Personal opinion has always been a part of Gamespot review. Most reviewers give plus or minus a point based on opinion. It's part of the reason I like the reviews here...
@The-Neon-Seal @Syvarth @SythisTaru @Kakashi_101 I think Arthur C Clarke is an excellent author. I'll be sure to pick those up as soon as possible! Appreciate the recommendation.
Disk based media is in no way handcuffs to a dead body. For this coming generation, it's more of a key. It allows for freedom and flexibility, especially when internet speeds are not always reliable. Hopefully in 7-10 years, when the next generation comes around this won't be an issue.
@SythisTaru @Syvarth @Kakashi_101 Actually, it was never a book. "The Sentinel" was a short story that was the inspiration for the film. Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke( author of The Sentinel) co-wrote the screenplay for 2001.
Syvarth's comments