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T-ShirtBoy Blog


Well I am going to move to wordpress just to try it out, if none of you will be willing to go there, I will move back to gamespot and finish everything off there. But for now Wordpress seems to offer more features to blogging that I can use. The series will still be here but for the most up-to-date posts vists!


The Journal and Compendium of Squigy Part 3

Level 33 and counting! This issue I will talk about inf grinding, inf rewards and dps calculation numbers. Inf grinding is actually less painful then I anticipated. When I started inf farming chapters 15 and 16 of all storylines, I wondered how I could do it. Thats when I found that watching movies and such help take your mind off the grind. It's also good to note that it does not take very long to make out the chapters and just one movie can put you through 2 max inf chapters. This excludes the experince you gain, which was 600xp per kill for chapter 16 and 300 for 15 according to my Squigy and since to max out inf for each chapter was between 200 to 220 kills ( 200 for chapter 15 and 220 for chapter 16 ). This meant that in my farming run I killed a total of 1240 monsters and gained a total of 444000 xp (I excluded one chapter 16 because I have not completed that yet)

1240 kills you say? That ain't much if you're watching movies and TV series while killing.

Tip: Movies + WAR = fast farming guilt free!

Moving on to inf rewards, inf rewards are very rewarding... for the overall type of player. Since I am a pure ballistic Squig Herder most of the items on the inf reward chart do not appeal to me as most have useless stats such as strength and weapon skill in high numbers. This in turn loweres the bal numbers.

Some little numbers for you just for the fun of it, and also to make this addition longer.

Ranged DPS Ability Bonus: (Bal/5)

Ranged DPS Auto Attack: ((Bal/5)/2)

Just incase you didn't already know that.

Squigys adventures have so far been great, after finding out that I went through the chapters abit too fast, I decided to farm inf to max for all the previous chapters (hence the segment relating to inf and inf rewards) but since I am now 33 I should go back to questing and such. Maybe... I'm still deciding because afterall I am writing this during the patch 1.01.

I hope the patch finishes tommorow so I can level to 34 or so. I just finished the first map of the Tier 4 set. Map 1 covers chapters 15 and 16 while Map 2 (Middle Map) covers 17 and onwards.

Just on a new word I have recently learned the Lot's O' Shootin' morale 4 skill. This ability allows me to deal 2288 damage to anyone 30 feet (or yards never bothered to check) within my target excluding my target.

Well thats it for this little issue, stay tuned for the next issue coming soon to you! In the next issue I will be talking about Scenarios and RvR Balance.

Till then,



The Journal and Compendium of Squigy Part 2

Intro 2

Well here's another issue of my journal, ripped straight from the pages of the game. Squigy has been fine, in fact I'd say he has been excellent. I've moved on from Avelorn (covered in part 1) to Saphery.

This issue I would like to discuss keep sieging, questing and ill cover the movement of Squigy up to his current level.

Recently my guild (Chaos Theory) raiding and captured a few keeps, keep sieging is a fun event and involves the co-operation of many people, usually in a warband with each other. Siege Weapons shine in this as there are objects called pads scattered all around the front of the keep for you to build a selection of nasty cannons. Additionally, theres one located right infront of the door for a ram.

We had alot of fun as we charged keeps with out large warband, wiping out anything in our path. The problem with keeps is that some cannons are.. might I say a bit over powered. This include the oil barrels that are availible as you defend the keep. One push will drench the rammers and door knockers with hot oil. Ouch!

This made us die quite alot when little ninja orders rush up to pour oil all over us. However, this is countered by destrying the pad. Anything range can destroy pads, including siege weapons. This makes it nessary to take out the oil barrel as soon as possible.

Experince is sort of a problem in Keep Sieging as you don't get any, hardly any. Keep sieges dont give much exp because you will be in a large warband but it acts like a PQ, enabling bags of loot at the end. This loot is usually in the form of rings and jewelry and not equipment.

Overall I quite like keep sieges as they give a worthwhile and fun distraction to my leveling spree.


You might be looking at this picture and wondering what the purpose of it being there. This picture is of me doing perhaps the most enjoyable quest in the whole of Dark Elves Vs High Elves tier 3. The Windstep Codex is it's name and the objective is to get the codex on top of the White Tower of Hoeth. This tower well... towers over everything. It is enormous in scale and just looking at it scares me!

The quest brings you to certain floors with a linear path, like a dungeon. These floors slowly ascend towards the top, where you fight a boss (Mr. Windstep) and et his codex. The screenshot is of me on one of the higher floors looking down. It looks so nice and makes me feel scared of heights!

Well anyway, its time to dictate the adventures of Squigy to you guys. Apart from the questing and RvRing, our guild had a massive scenario run and I gained alot of renown for that. Almost 4 levels worth. Tor Anroc was the scenario for the day and it would have seemed that the alliance was going to thrash us like they always do in this scenario. But with our mighty DPS and healing, we managed to oppose our enemies and win nearly all of them.

Level 28 is only 2 bars away and I can't wait to level. Too bad as I'm writing this I am having authentication errors and other errors relating to that.

Thats it for now. I'm off to try logging in again.



Heys it's me again for a small update, this is a thing i just did with the Warhammer Themed wallpaper. The Servers are down alot today so I'm extremely bored and have nothing to do. Maybe this picture will entertain me for another 30 minutes while the servers are coming back up.



This is Possibly Sparta

Hope you got a laugh out of that :)


The Journal and Compendium of Squigy Part 1


Its been a tough day, my Squig Herder hasn't leved yet and I am writing this during an authentication error. These errors have been plentiful in the game and I hope that they go away soon. Squigy has been great and theres been suggestions to get the last name Stardust so it sounds like Ziggy Stardust. I actually might do that just for the sake of it. But for the time being Squigy McSquig, will be the name of my wonderous adventurer.

Note: I started this rather late but I will cover the previous zones as well soon enough.

My current location in Avelorn, as I look back and forth all I see is dense forest and shurbs with thick undergrowth, this place seems untouched by civilization. At level 24, this place seems easy enough with monsters around my level. Quests are plentiful as usual and they seem to be compressed.

A Map of AvelornHeres a Map of Avelorn, its rather big but half explored by my gobbo. Note the little camp icons, which represent chapters 11 and 12. These quests hubs give you enough quests to last you at least 1 level, if not 2. This really depends on how you actually perform questing, specific questers tend to get 1 level while free questers get 2. By specific I mean those who just do it for the quests while the free questers are distracted by Public Quests and such. Its not exactly complete at the eastern side as I would expect that to be a high level questing location. I also havn't tried out the RvR in this place or the scenarios. Plenty of Public qeusts to do but i came in as a specific quester and will leave as one too.

Mounts are encouraged by the huge winding roads which shout "Ride on me!". That kind of makes you think about the road less taken, and all the difference it has made. I honestly don't quite like the foresty theme ofAvelorn and prefer the greenskins and their treeless horizons. Trees make me fee funny inside, and I dont mean the good way.

Well I guess if you hate the high elves this would be a ideal place to burn, seeing as there are so many too, not getting your first pip (badge) for killing 1000 high elves would be impossible.Thispip i dont quite have yet, but I assure you I will get one before i leave this horrid place!

This is Squigy on his routine adventures through elven settlements and temples which are scattered everywhere in Avelorn, where if there is no dark corrupted patches of land, there will be happy deers and white elves prancing around. Along with their big white tall elegant temples and shirines. Look at those elves, unaware that soon they will all die to my squig or me. Its quite satisfying to think that some times because it lets me fantasize what I would do to a certain someone. Joking Guys! Don't worry not one of you will die mysteriously from horrific bite wounds or arrow wounds.Elves!

Avelorn has funny vibes about it, it doesn't feel as dark as Shadowlands but I still feel the lingering darkness about it, I'm not sure exactly how that works but it makes me dislike the entire High Elf Versus Dark Elf storyline. Maybe WoW imprinted a permanent hate for large areas of organic matter of any sort. (Zangarmarsh? Sigh...)

Hmm I hope I leave here soon... Very Soon.


Oh I forgot to tell you guys that I will be posting some screenshots of my adventures across some of the zones in the game. Remeber to keep in touch and check for new updates!

See you soon!

Mount Up

This post was intended for a 23rd of September release date but I never got to do it. I got my mount in WAR, just like the time I got my mount in WoW. To be exact, I got my WoW mount on the 6th of September 2007. Mounting really makes llife easier as you run past mobs or chase down enemies. Well I haven't got much to say today so ill keep you updated on my series of Adventuring Warhammer due to start tommorow or so.

Warhammer Online

Hmm the length between each post is widening... Oh well, i've recently got into the closed beta, open beta and preview weekend of warhammer online. Since quitting WoW, this seemed to me like an interesting game to go to. I'm playing on Darklands server on a character called Squigy (I know its squiggy but i like it with 1 g). I'm a squig herder on the destruction side and anyone wants a GMT+8 friend can add me :).

War is everywhere,


Back Yet Again

Well I'm back with not many updates. I have been up to quite alot in the World of Warcraft including getting exalted with quite alot of end-game factions. Getting to level 70! Twinking my lvl 70 with Karazhan Gear, getting into a great raiding guild that I enjoy. But enough said about World Of Warcraft for now. I got World In Conflict and completed the SIngle Player Campaign in a day. Its short but sweet but the real meat of the game is in the online gameplay. Its great fun and have different modes of gameplay in which all i enjoy. I'm running out of things to talk about so untill next time...

Tabula Rhasa

Or however you spell it. I heard its a great game so im currently downloading the beta as we speak. I hope its worth this time. 16 HOURS! i could be doing much better things. Like leveling up my troll.
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