Well here's another issue of my journal, ripped straight from the pages of the game. Squigy has been fine, in fact I'd say he has been excellent. I've moved on from Avelorn (covered in part 1) to Saphery.
This issue I would like to discuss keep sieging, questing and ill cover the movement of Squigy up to his current level.
Recently my guild (Chaos Theory) raiding and captured a few keeps, keep sieging is a fun event and involves the co-operation of many people, usually in a warband with each other. Siege Weapons shine in this as there are objects called pads scattered all around the front of the keep for you to build a selection of nasty cannons. Additionally, theres one located right infront of the door for a ram.
We had alot of fun as we charged keeps with out large warband, wiping out anything in our path. The problem with keeps is that some cannons are.. might I say a bit over powered. This include the oil barrels that are availible as you defend the keep. One push will drench the rammers and door knockers with hot oil. Ouch!
This made us die quite alot when little ninja orders rush up to pour oil all over us. However, this is countered by destrying the pad. Anything range can destroy pads, including siege weapons. This makes it nessary to take out the oil barrel as soon as possible.
Experince is sort of a problem in Keep Sieging as you don't get any, hardly any. Keep sieges dont give much exp because you will be in a large warband but it acts like a PQ, enabling bags of loot at the end. This loot is usually in the form of rings and jewelry and not equipment.
Overall I quite like keep sieges as they give a worthwhile and fun distraction to my leveling spree.
You might be looking at this picture and wondering what the purpose of it being there. This picture is of me doing perhaps the most enjoyable quest in the whole of Dark Elves Vs High Elves tier 3. The Windstep Codex is it's name and the objective is to get the codex on top of the White Tower of Hoeth. This tower well... towers over everything. It is enormous in scale and just looking at it scares me!
The quest brings you to certain floors with a linear path, like a dungeon. These floors slowly ascend towards the top, where you fight a boss (Mr. Windstep) and et his codex. The screenshot is of me on one of the higher floors looking down. It looks so nice and makes me feel scared of heights!
Well anyway, its time to dictate the adventures of Squigy to you guys. Apart from the questing and RvRing, our guild had a massive scenario run and I gained alot of renown for that. Almost 4 levels worth. Tor Anroc was the scenario for the day and it would have seemed that the alliance was going to thrash us like they always do in this scenario. But with our mighty DPS and healing, we managed to oppose our enemies and win nearly all of them.
Level 28 is only 2 bars away and I can't wait to level. Too bad as I'm writing this I am having authentication errors and other errors relating to that.
Thats it for now. I'm off to try logging in again.
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