Well, I tough I would inaugurate this blog, with a little info for everyone that doesn't know of this already!
The world is being controlled by flying syndicalist sheep!
Don't act surprised... I'm willing to bet that deep inside your heart, you already knew of this, but just never wanted to face it!
Anyways, it's true, all the sheep have the power of flight, even though they cleverly hide it from us (humans) by pretending they are birds! Yes, about 30% of the times when you see a bird flying over you, it's a sheep camouflaged as a bird!
Now you're probably wondering, why is it that sheep in farms don't fly off? Well, i'll tell you why, cause those sheep aren't syndicalist, and as for such, are not given the legal right to fly!
This syndicate is placed high above the clouds, and it's masked to look like one! So if you ever see a cloud, above the normal cloud level, take a picture, cause that's it! Well, anyways, now you're probably wondering ''WTF, how come they are controlling the world?''... Well, the answer to that is simple, they have created a mind control ray, that they use from their syndicate, to control our presidents minds... Yups, it's true!
I, my self, have once met a syndicalist sheep, cause she was running out of energy, and had to made a crash landing directly through my window!! At the moment i was like ''WTFFFFF!?!?!?'', but then she explained everything to me, and asked me for my help.. I did, and now i know of this secret! And from this point on... So do you!
See ya,
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