A year to implement this feature? COme on Sony... I understand the PS3 put a hole in your wallet for a long time before turning things around, but this is the PS4. You pretty much have a one sided Victory here... No way it should take you a year for this with your resources and money. Oh wait, I forgot... You're still recovering as a company. I'm not really bothered either way, but their track record of implanting stuff as updates is pretty sketchy. Telling me a year from now might as well be we thought about it.... but no Bueno guys.
@clynch0527 @skiggy29 Good god man it's called advertising for a flipping reason! It's too make money and despite how much we don't like it, the ads generate money MS needs. For a struggling gaming economy Ads is the perfect way to make money. You tell me one way to generate money for a product that has for the most part stop generating adequate sales. With the ps3/360 both generating an 8 billion dollar loss I don't see why Sony hasn't taken the same route as they desperately need it more than any of the other two companies.
@6orange6 You can't necessarily say a company is stupid if they saw the changing trend and a downturn of what was selling. What the hell do you expect them to do? What follow the path of Sony? Let's be honest, what FOOLS make an $800 dollar system sell it at a $200 loss only for it not sell until its price is even further underneath that $200 loss and to add insult to injury offer free online play? Sony does. Now go ask Sony about their credit rating. Ask them how any of their products are selling. AS a matter of fact, ask them How much money they still need to make in order for the ps3 to be profitable. Microsoft may not execute things perfectly, but they damn sure aren't as dumb as sony. BTW, don't believe the Nonsense articles saying sony/MS were making profit off their consoles back in 09/10.. they don't tell the whole story.
....... Ps4/Xbox will fail because it won't cost $200, they only appeal to these so-called "hardcore gamers", and the video game market has become stagnant with increasing prices. I mean as I read the comments right now, look at all the crying about the $10 price increase. Yes, because we all know improving upon games, innovation, and resources only become cheaper right? What the heck are you people smoking? Then there is the consistent whining of no used games. My Lord, I can't last remember I took a game to my friends house, but I'm sure there are some people who still do. Regardless, if your gripe about used games is because of how much money you can get back, I have one question. Can you honestly not afford to put $20 away a MONTH? Regardless you will get your game in 3 months. Even still! If an individual needs to put money aside like that and it takes them that much time to do so YOU HAVE FAR MORE IMPORTANT THINGS AT HAND THAN TO BE WASTING YOUR MONEY ON A VIDEO GAME! In addition, the always on rumor.... Has anyone sat down and asked why this would be the ONLY device MS would make to be always on? Why there on tablet for god's sake doesn't even require always on internet connection. This is the worst rumor of all time. I'm sick of all the crying that's going around for consoles. You all asked for more and more never realizing it was going to cost you money. The next Xbox will fail or the next PS will fail for that and that reason only and the article should have stopped right there.
I think you should have been a little more detailed with the "bland and generic quest" comment. Yet, I think I will provide an example for you so people can get the point. As much as I would hate to say this, but WoW does offer a few good cases as long with other MMOs I've experienced. For instance, in WoW they offer protection quest. Yes, you still have to kill monsters, but it isn't narrowed down to kill X and Y. You have to kill the surrounding mobs to protect whoever you are told. I have even seen defend an area or destroy so and so in X amount of time. Personally, I enjoyed these kind of quest the most. In my regards of tera, I wish the best for it. Yet, there are other ways to hold PvP matches than Deathmatch BGs and better ways to construct quests. In addition, this combat system is in no way new to me and is actually fairly similar to a game in 2004 named risk your life. In summary, I just feel this game is laggin behind by today's standard.
This combat style isn't innovative people... Jesus christ... How many of you have actually played anything other than hyped MMOs? I strictly remember A F2P MMO made in 2004 with a similar combat fighting system... It was called Risk your life. If anything this game just polishes on that game at best. I would honestly name Tera, " Risk your life 2.5"
T3xArmageddon's comments