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TAGM5000 Blog

Updates Plz?

I supose I need to say something, seeing as I've been pretty damn quiet over the past three months. What with exams, clubs and insanity, I'm having problems finding time to breath nowerdays, never mind write in a blog or - heaven forbid! - review something. But, seeing as easter holidays are on, I might be able to do some things here that I have yet to do.

Well, at last...

I've got a gamespot account, so I can speak my mind about some of the games I've played without resorting to going on and on in public. You may recognice the acronym in my name if you've been to some other sites, but you probably won't. It's meaning doesn't matter anyway, and If I told you, I'd probably get spam coming into my inbox faster then super sonic. So, once I get the point system worked out, expect some reviews from me. Huzza.