[QUOTE="TAKETWOSUCKSASS"]Publisher Take-Two Interactive has filed suit against what's left of 3D Realms (formely Apogee Ltd.) for the dev's inability to deliver Duke Nukem Forever. Take-Two claims that an agreement to finish the game was violated when 3D Realms shut down last week. "Apogee continually delayed the completion date for Duke Nukem Forever," stated Take-Two in the filing, "Apogee repeatedly assured Take-Two and the video-gaming community that it was diligently working toward competing development of the PC Version of Duke Nukem Forever." Take-Two paid $12 million to former Nukem publisher Infogrames for publishing rights to the game in nearly a decade ago. According to the publisher, a second unspecified agreement was struck between Take-Two and 3D Realms in 2007, evidence that will likely be crucial in where the decision lands http://www.examiner.com/x-3707-LA-Gaming-News-Examiner~y2009m5d15-3D-Realms-sued-by-TakeTwo-over-unfinished-Duke-Nukem-ForeverIronBassA new account just to post old news?[/QUOTE never gonna get the game now, read my post about bioshock game has too many invisible barriers keeping you from going on levels on the level.
[QUOTE="videogamessuxxx"][QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"]In my view Rapture is one of the best crafted worlds in gaming, it's up there with Hl2's world, The Zone, and Nuked DC and the world of the witcher. thegoldenpoohalf life 2 has crap level design too dude. bioshock seriously level design wise nothing on duke nukem 3d, none of the interactivity or secret area's or exploration. you cant even go underwater in the beggining of the game, everything feels like it's a rail shooter basically. the levels just dont have anything cool to them. if you buy bioshock 2 you support the death of duke nukem forever. Troll post is Troll. Do you really have nothing better to do? Well to everyone who might actually think this. NOT every game has to be oblivion, not open world =/= Crap. Why do people say it has "Bad level design" if it is not a sandbox?! Hell people did it with The Witcher, im glad that game was not trying to oblivion, it was far better. Hell people even criticized STALKER for not being one big world.... What is everyone's big obsession with turning every game into oblivion/GTA ? IM NOT SAYING ALL GAMES HAVE TO BE OPEN WORLD. im saying the level design isnt multileveled enough/vertical just lacks cool things to them attention to detail or interactvity here's a example of crap level design lol you go into a corner but but cant actually touch the wall because a invisible barrier is keeping you from going all way in the corner.
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