TEH_RADIO / Member

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I caved in...

Because of the horrible customer service I had sworn not to buy Battlefield 3. I caved in at the spring sale where it was 50% off (and my brother had been bugging me to get it). It's a good game, but I feel like I'm coming in a bit late so I'm getting schooled. I have been making progress though and my old Battlefield 2142 skills are starting to come back so soon I'll show those 12 year olds whose boss! Anyways, if anyone wants to play pm me and I'll give you my username. By the way I'm playing on PC.

In other news, I took out the old PSP and got Shin megami persona 3. So far it's only been dungeon crawling, but its visually a nice game and I heard good things about it. I also picked up Tactics Ogre. Final Fantasy tactics: War of the lions is one of my favorite games of all time (I love those turn based strategy games, I think they are called JRPG but anyways) and tactics ogre is made by the same people. The gameplay and graphics are the same, but this one has much more options and I think the game in itself is much harder than FFT due to some light changes. Whats great about these is that you can just pick them up and play, so when I'm on the bus or metro I can just put it on hold and know that when I come back I won't be screwed.

I'm probably going to get a PSP vita eventually, but I think I'll wait for the 2.0 version to come out. I miss the old days when you knew there wouldn't be any upgrades to the console and that what you bought was the best that they could do with the technology and equipement they had. Plus my SNES is still working and I can't say the same about some other consoles I bought...