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Nintendo Connect24... hey, wanna (Mario) party???

My Wii is busted (like I've said before) and needed to call Nintendo for yet another repair. I called the hotline today and went through a few minutes of button mashing (press "1" if you have nothing b etter to do than be on hold) and finally made it to a real live person. After going through the "have you done this, have you done that" we got down to the nitty gritty of ordering a new AC adaptor (they say that is normally the problem when a Wii system wont turn on). While sitting on the phone giving out my address and personal history for the last fifteen years he asked if there was anything else he could do for me. Well... YA! I asked him if he could get me the low-down on what Nintendo plans to do about online gameplay. I know it's a lame question since I play on PSN as well as XBLive (from time to time), but I've spent more money on Nintendo products in the last ten years than I have on my cable bill. He put me on hold. I sat there wondering if I should just hang up and not worry about it, I could just look online, right? After three long minutes he got back on and gave the list of games that are out already and a couple that are to come (MoH, some fishing game, new DBZ game, couple others). I finally dropped the ball and asked when the hell are we getting an online Mario Party? Seriously! He beat around the bush and said he heard something about there being a rumor about it but nothing definate. I'm not trying to start hype here, just saying what happened. But let think about it for a second or two, what fanboy, and I'm not saying I'm a fanboy (not saying I'm not either) wouldn't want this to happen? After Gears, after Halo3, after Warhawk, and after the smoke clears from any other game I spend fragging (and getting fragged by) countless noobs and koreans, I feel a void of all the senseless violence. I play Mario Party 8 with my wife and enjoy other party games of the same nature and would love to share the joy with noobs and koreans. But really, I don't think we need voice chat on this one guys. Talking smack just wouldn't seem right...