TGFL's forum posts
i cant believe how many of you are angry over this.
Its not like we wont ever get the game. Nintendo wants you guys (the fans) to get the best game they can make. If that means packing it full of features and polishing it up, that calls for a delay, so be it.
its not even a HUGE delay like TP had -- its a MONTH. The last delay was TWO MONTHS. in total, THREE MONTHS. Sakurai even goes to 'deeply apologize' yet you are still angry and believe that you should recieve a great update due to this delay.Haziqonfire
Thats what I said about the first delay. i still believe in that,, but it was only 2-3 weeks away! last time, it was 2 months. its likely bug fixes, one more character, and manufacturing delays.
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