Hello all members of The Great Nintendo Gamer Union! This is our first telegram with the new blog system, and comes with lots of updates and new events
If you're wondering why this drastic change in telegrams, read this. Basically, the telegrams were glitched so we are using the @ system in blog comments to get them to everyone, and this is the official TGNGU account where we post them.
Moving on to the news, we have a variety of awesome events going on at the union. There is something for everyone so check them out below
The first thing I'd like to mention is the updated homepage. I changed the game associations for the first time in 3 years, and it now features the union's top upcoming games. But GameSpot only allows to link them to their GS pages, so I added a "Top Games" section below the important threads. There you can see two lists: our Top 10 games of all time that will soon be updated and expanded, and our most popular games with links to their official threads (if they have one) and another link to a thread with even more games and all you need to know about them. You can look at it HERE.
Another thing that is not just for the home page but in all the union, is the banner rotator which is back with the usual game banner plus 5 more! each by a different designer (Echofoxz, CcJj09, papermariofan57, xxartanisxx, gerudoman320). You will see a different banner on every load, so you'll never get bored of the same one
We have quality reviews posted in the union every week. And the last time we had not only one, but two reviews for the 3DS game The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D! By Gohansephiroth (LINK) and ad0234 (LINK). Both are very well written and I recommend you to read them if you want to know more about the game.
There is also a new contest called Review of the Month, which is pretty sef-explanatory We are currently voting for the best JUNE REVIEW so go and pick your favorite now!
This is the newest TGNGU list. If you remember the last years, we made two lists: Top 100 Games and Top 100 Characters Ever. This time we'll do the TGNGU Top 50 Hardest Games Ever! We want to have as many member lists as possible, so come and share yours in this THREAD, where you can also read more about it.
Another new activity is the TGNGU Weekly Matchups - 2011 Edition. Every week there will be a poll about Nintendo, video games or off-topic, of something that came in the year 2011. Our first matchup is for the best Nintendo RPG, to vote and read more about it follow this LINK
There are several other events at TGNGU. Be sure to post in our MAKE THE WII U GAME. And play in these very fun games: MEGA POKEMON HURT & HEAL, SAVE MY NINTENDO HARDWARE, RATE A GAME and PREDICT THE RATINGS! as well as our tournaments: GAMECUBE GAME BATTLE, AMAZING NINTENDO TOURNAMENT and WORST CHARACTER OF ALL TIME (these don't have a specific thread, but simply look for the current battles in the board).
Here is just a list of the latest topics and polls made in TGNGU. Come and give us your valuable opinion
Have you ever used the super guide?
Favorite Portable Games?
Random poll: Do you use the Wii Remote Jacket?
Video game music thread: Post your favorite tunes here!
Favorite Nintendo easter egg?
Poll:Will Snake and Sonic be in the Next Smash Brothers?
I've almost finished this telegram, but not without thanking you all, because the union stats are growing significantly with the current activity. Looks like 2 is our lucky number, since we recently achieved 2,000 threads, and are VERY close to 2,000 members and 200,000 posts! I think we might be between the Top 10 biggest union boards
That is all for this telegram, thanks for your attention
-TGNGU Leader, bak