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Aaron Thomas (the man behind the fanboy mask as told by...)

i am sure anyone who is remotely interested in getting a PS3 would have heard about the new Ratchet and Clank game, metacritic score of 89 the last time I checked.This is a pretty impressive score and many people regard this game as the first AAA title for the PS3, and for many R&C fans, this is the reason they will be getting a PS3 this holiday season.

Every major site has given R&C a 90+ score except for I have been investigating this matter for a few days on the "real" reason behind this score while suppressing my fanboyish urge to just say, "Aaron Thomas, go eat **** and die!" (I can say this right? Well, this is my own site after all so I can say whatever I want).

I have come to the conclusion that the problem lies in the reviewer, Aaron Thomas, so who the hell is Aaron Thomas? Why did he give R&C such a bad score? There is a reason for everything in this world. Is it money from Microsoft? Probably not. Is he a X360 fanboy extremist? Probably not. What is he complaining about??

1. The game has too many play mechanics.

2. The game is too easy.

3. The story is funny but the ending sucks.

4. It's not like R&C is a bad game, but it doesn't appeal to everyone.

So we have to work together like a psychologist and find out why he thinks the way he does. First of all, too many play mechanics is a bad thing. Initially, this really bothers me and I can't really figure out why he would say that, so I did a little digging and lo and behold most games he has reviewed were sports titles and some mediocre first person shooters! He claims to be a fan of the Ratchet series, but he never reviewed one before? And I don't need to tell you about the sheer numbers of different play mechanics in Madden right (sarcasm)? Right, same **** every year, and that's exactly what he enjoys.
The play mechanics is very simple: I will hump you and you run as far as you can!

Now let's investigate the second statement, "the game is too easy". For someone who's reviewed sports games all his life, does he even know about the secret areas in R&C? Does he know about the golden bolts? Yah the game is meant to be pretty easy because it allows younger kids to pick up and play, but the real meat of the game lies in collecting all the secret stuff after you run through it once. Let me tell you, without strategy guide, collecting all the secrets is NOT "too easy". Poor guy probably didn't even try to look for hidden areas because there isn't much in a 94x50 feet rectangular basketball court.

Let's look for some secret areas! Where shall we begin? You wanna do full court or half court?

The third complain was "the ending sucks". For Saint Thomas sake, R&C is a big franchise for Sony, of course they will have cliff hanger for a sequel. Since when does great games do not have cliff hangers? Does he mean the God of War ending sucks too? How come God of War received high score? I know one game that has a great ending! NFL2K!! (Sarcasm).
This is the story of a plumber and his brother who ends up killing a Evil Turtle King to save a princess named, Peach. I heard the story pwns!

Finally, the fourth point, this is actually from his coworker defending his review, "It's not like R&C is a bad game, but it doesn't appeal to everyone." A good game doesn't need to appeal to everyone, because there is NO single game in human history that has appealed to everybody yet, and I personally don't see a game that will satisfy everybody coming anytime soon. A game's greatness should be judge amongst its peers in the same genre and its ability to uphold the industrial standard, and that my friends, should be the very essence of a game review. We only have to look so far as to Gears of War, Super Smash Bros, ICO, Final Fantasy VII, and Okami to know that truly awesome games do not appeal to everybody.
Cloud, "Jeez, I like sports too you know.., why can't sports like me?"

May God best Aaron Thomas for playing the same sports game revision every year!

Yay mom ! I got the same **** this year that I got last year!