Don't forget Left 4 Dead 2
TJ922811's forum posts
I haven't seen a thread on this in awhile so I thought I would make one. It seems that the more advertised games are overshadowing this game. So here is a thread to "relight the fire" in the Bioshock fans
You should add some pictures of Uncharted 2 to help prove your point, I agree though, Crysis is jaw-droppingly beautiful. How long has Crysis been out?
I believe in order to be truly fair in judging the graphics you have to pit each systems exclusive against each other I won't lie each console has some games that are just jaw-dropping and they also have games that feel "last gen" honestly its hard to determine which gaming giant will take the top spot for having the best graphics
I know character creation takes alot of time to "make" but i would enjoy games like gear's and Left 4 Dead if I could make my own survior or COG does anyone else share my opinion?
Unfotunately all games get old but you have to experiment with the different game modes and as for killcam's and uav's play hardcore. The 1887's were toned down in the recent updates and as for your other complaints...Gun's are getting stronger and when a game developer puts them in a game they have to be accurate and no one would play if it took a whole clip from a .50 cal or M240
MMO-Massive Multiplayer Online... Everyone thinks mmo's have to have millions of people they don't M.A.G. is a MMOFPS because it is 256 player's in a single game now when you compare it to RPG's that is not alot however for FPS's this is a really large number you can argue however you want everyone has their own opinion.
Achievements aren't all that important to me I get them to prove hey I just did this or that see look, plus when people do something amazing its nice to see the pop-up come up saying you did it, plus the achievements give players the incentive to explore other parts of the game and experiement with different playing styles. Plus to some people its like an obejective to complete
Before you run out and buy Assassin's Creed I would rent it cause you can beat it fairly quickly, if you have X-box Live and want a good co-op game i recommend Left 4 Dead 2. If you looking for an RPG i would go with Dragon Age: Origins it was fun and took somewhere from 20-30 hours to beat going through all the explorations. If I were you i would buy Halo: Combat Evolved because out of all the Halo's it had the best story Halo: ODST came close though, as for the other games MW2 has a good online well to sum it all up I recommend : Left 4 Dead 2, Halo: Combat Evolved, Dragon Age: Origins, RENT: Assassin's Creed though
I agree. Whoops forgot to finish my sentenceAcheivements are there pretty much for proof,Im gald that they're there because I've gotten into game conversations with friends and told them hey I did such and such and they would say no you didn't then back and forth but they wouldn't believe me when i told them nowI have proof and another reason I like achievements is its nice to kill a final boss then *whatever noise the pop up makes* PWNED the last boss- 50g, it sorta reminds me of a trophy or something and whoever said that acheivements make gamers explore other regions of the game that would normally go unexplored
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