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OBJECTION! ... I can't post because the title was all caps. Stupid rule.

No, wait. Uhh....I don't have one. No objections. This game was pure awesomness. I had been meaning to play Phoenix Wright for ages. It had become such a big meme on Nintendo fansites that I knew I was missing out on something. Last week, Erica lent me her copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and I lent her Banjo-Kazooie (have you played it yet? >:[). And very surprising. I knew very little about this game. I didn't know what to expect. But, it certainly wasn't this. After many discussions with Erica about my dislike of games that are more cutscene than game and how unimportant characters are as long as the gameplay is good. .... I take it back. T__T; You win. The game is basically one gigantic cutscene with very little gameplay. All you have to do is sit there and tap the screen when prompted. XD But, it's just plain fun. When you solve a case you feel like you've really accomplished something. You have to think, all the characters are unique, and there's some nice differentiation in the cases you have to solve. The whole thing just felt very refreshing. I fully intend on purchasing all the games in the series sometime after my birthday. The only downside is replay value. I know all the answers now. On the few times I'd run out of objections, when I went to do it again I just breezed right through. Not exactly fun. The first four cases (understandably) aren't the greatest use of the DS' controls, but it works. The last case did a better job. I liked finding fingerprints. felt tacked on. I can't really complain about the graphics. I just wish some of the characters had a few more poses (Meekins and his blowhorn....) Going to be using GameSpot a lot more hopefully. Same with Backloggery - which I signed up for today. A gaming related post should be up on LJ later. Anyway, thanks for letting me borrow the game, Erica! ^___^