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Tell me what YOU think?

Whats up guys? another day another blog post. So I just wanted to ask you and I mean YOU to tell me what you think of my recent review on GoW 2 make sure you leave a comment or message me or something, thanks for the feed back in advance.

Gears Of War 3 HYPE!

whhhhaaattttssss uuupppp guys? any of you looking forward to the next GoW? I am really looking forward to buying this game and playing the amazing horde mode but for now I will have to wait playing Gears 2 Leave a comment if you too are looking forward to this game! :)

sorry...need more HELP!

Can someone please tell me how i make a forum on here :) it's for a little project I'm hoping to do i will make a log post on it when I have more info on the subject :)

HELP! What Games to buy?

Helloo my name is seananners.. (I'm just going to steel other peoples introductions until I can find my own, any suggestions post in comments :P) anyway as you can probably tell from the title i need help on deciding what games to get for my X360, I was just going to go to Game and select the most popular one but I decided that it would be a better idea to ask you guys! so in the comments below tell me what game(s) i should buy.

GREETINGS! Fellow Gamers

wwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttsssssssssssss up my nuggets mister fantasmo here, okay that was a lie.. sorry, anyway i just wanted to say hello and tell you about what you can be expecting from this blog, so basically I'm just going to be blogging about random stuff that happen in my day I know this isn't twitter but I'm doing it anyway. I will also be posting when I buy games, in game progress and that sort of thing. Ermmm.... what else? oh yeah I play on Xbox 360 and I used to play PS2 but no one cares about that any more so I never play on it and i also hope to be starting a YouTube channel soon of me playing some games with one of my fellow gaming companions (No commentary) but that isn't 100% i'll keep you posted on that though. Nothing else to say really so peace nuggets