You have to wait for one of them to walk buy you while your in the grate and there shoot be a button promt on your screen to take him down. Its a special takedown move from the floor.scouttrooperbob
Well I've waited patiently and no matter how close the goon walks by the grate, I am not getting the prompt ont he screen for this "special takedown" move. It's possible that something has gone wrong with my keyboard binding cuasing this to happen. I have tried this so many times now - and I just can't figure out else to try.... This is a fun game but the game controls (special moves and such) are just not very well suited for pc keyboard at all. Either that they just did a p*ss poor job of porting it over to the PC platform. I don't know why the the same key serve 2 or 3 different functions - just dumb!!
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