List of facts. MW3 beat BF3 in copy for copy sales. MW3 broke industry sales records. This was not a surprise, anyone who thought otherwise was delusional. MW3, less than a month after its release, is showing a sharp decline in sales. BF3 sales are still climbing. Over 10 million I believe? Copies of MW3 (console) are hitting the used bins in GameStop stores across the country alarmingly fast. (I know two people who work on the corporate side of GS) BF3 has won, and still is winning, FAR more industry awards than MW3. It continues to come out on top in more reviews and polls that make this comparison or ask the question, what one is "better". Those are real facts, not trolling numbers you pull of of your backside. Sales does not denote quality. There is a reason you go to GameStop and see a bin or shelf full of used MW3 copies, and far fewer used BF3 copies. Sure all games make it into the used bins, what tells the tale here is that just weeks after breaking industry sales records, MW3 is already on the decline and filling those used bins far faster than its supposed rival. I know fanboys are going to hate. "MW3 is the greatest thing EVER", and no one will be able to tell them otherwise. They will never understand they just paid $60 for a Modern Warfare 2 repack. Want proof? Activision is milking CoD players for all they are worth and has killed what I used to consider a fantastic series. Releasing outdated games at full $60 price tags and with developers too lazy to even write new code or crate new textures. They cut and paste the same crap together in a new pattern. I leave you with this image link. Edit: Holy format fail. =/
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