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Borderlands - GOTY Edition - DLC

I mentioned in the last part that my memory was playing me up, whether it’s because I only really played the DLC once as opposed to multiple runs through the main game… but it kicks in when I travel to Jakobs Cove…

The Zombie Island of Dr Ned

I know that there is an Achievement for collecting Brains for good old TK Baha… so as soon as I start killing Zombies I start collecting them… I forget that for these to matter I need to start the hidden quests to collect them… and I don’t start this till near the end, so instead of working on the 5 separate Brains quests while doing everything else… I end up doing them on their own.

Not a fun night.

It’s nice though that I forgot that when a boss kills you, they don’t recover all their health by the time you get back there, and if you find the right spot they won’t come after you either so I just pick them off from distance or an inaccessible spot till they die… including the final boss.

Overall though, the whole DLC is just too dark, not in tone, but the brightness setting seems broken, and I’m struggling to find where I’m going half the time.

I do hit Level 62 by the end, more Golden Keys used and more cash banked… onto the next one.

The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

I forgot that a lot of this takes place along roadways connecting the locations, and that traversing those is not fun… at all… I also forgot that one area includes “Drifters” which are huge creatures that fire corrosive junk at you that can take out your vehicle in just a few hits.

I know it includes Crawmerax as a raid boss… just need to find a specific rocket launcher by the time it comes to take it out… at least I remember the name of the thing… Leviathan.

After several missions I find my first Claptrap in need of assistance… hoping for the final Inventory upgrade I need for an Achievement, I’m disappointed to find it just gives me another bomb modifier… bugger!

Now here I made an error (or maybe I didn’t) in that I accidentally travelled here when I started the second run through the main game, so it pegged the first mission as Level 51… by the time I arrived I was Level 62 after Zombie killing, so throughout the entire story I was hitting low 50s Level enemies… not much XP earned from killing them, but it made running through the story easier.

Maybe I should have done that, with hindsight, on all of the DLC… I later tried Moxxi’s and even though it says the first Mission is only Level 15 all the enemies I face are levelled at my Level and slightly above… so that’s my only foray into that… didn’t really bother with it before, won’t bother with it now.

As such though, the story was a breeze… all the stuff after that became a nightmare.

I’m not a good First Person Shooter player, so when evenly matched with enemies of a higher level, I’m screwed… so the post story missions are a pass from me… nor do I have Leviathan to kill Crawmerax so that can be skipped as well.

Basically… I’m almost in clean up mode.

Claptrap Revolution

I switch my game to “Playthrough 1” and start this… so I’m facing enemies in the ranks of Level 34, 35 or 36 max… which is fine, I won’t increase my Level, but I just want to get this whole package finished now… Borderlands burnout is real.

The story is simple enough, even the final boss battle is a cake walk… and all I’m left with now is the collectible grind… the 4 Achievements associated with random drop items from killing Claptraps… I have unlocked the 3D Glasses one, I have enough Pink Panties and Clapfish… but the 3 real grinds are the Bobbleheads, the Oil Cans and the Pizza Slices.

So, it’s rinse and repeat… load saved game, clear out the Hyperion Dump where there are lots of Claptraps, quit game, repeat… in 20 run batch yesterday, the game dropped 37 random items of which 13 were of use to me… I need another 27 combined items to unlock the 3 remaining Achievements.

To stave off the boredom I completed the Hunter play as far as I needed to unlock the specific Achievement for that character type… just the Berzerker and Siren to go… I’ll keep working on the random drops this week as a time filler, run the two other character types and then move on… the grind for the drops has killed the thrill of the game… I knew it would happen, which I why I left this to the end.

July 25th

After a couple of surprisingly generous drop filled runs, I arrive at the point where I have no more time to play, but only need 1 item so I was forced to call it a day.

I go back the next day and the very first run provides the items needed and I can delete the game from my 2 consoles… 68 Achievements for 1,445 Gamerscore in total… I was tempted to try and finish on 69 Achievements, which would have been nice, but the only realistic option was to hunt down 2 midgets from Dumpsters and Fridges in General Knoxx’s expansion and I just hadn’t got the heart to do that… too much like hard work.

That’s something I should really have done when I was playing the expansion story content, I generally don’t open fridges as they only really offer ammo (and my character has a “regenerate ammo” perk) and secondly, they just don’t appear as often in this DLC as they do in the main game.

I’m now all burnt out on Borderlands… the 3 Achievements on offer for killing enemies using the other 3 character types special moves were done to break up the monotony of clearing out Claptraps over and over and over… in the absence of any official word on a 4th game, or even a Tiny Tina’s Wonderland sequel, my next port of call for this is the Pre-Sequel… but I need a break before I go there.