It has been a long time again, and I have been shocked how much has changed at GameSpot UK. While being let down by somethings, that I will not go into. Anyway now lets move onto how life has been, I am still trying to get a paid career in photography.
But as life goes on, it looks more like this may not happen. And because of this, I don't have many backup plans in terms of a future career to get me out of my job at Asda:
*Trying to get a job at GameSpot or a similar site - While I have never been good at writing, I wouldn't mind getting a paid job at GS that is either photography related or something that Danny does. However if you say ask Danny about this, then I already have.
*Goal Keeper - This will never happen, but I blame my family and my last ever school for not helping me out with this. Also in my daily life, this still makes me despressed and makes like feel like it is such a let down.
*Human Surivour - A lot of people, wouldn't like something that could crash into earth and cause something like RAGE or the Fallout games. Then again for me, it would be a fun challenge, even a zombie outbreak could help bring the world together.
*Sniper - If the world was ever plunged into a third world war, which looks more like it will happen then I would have to do my duty for my nation and apply for a sniper role. Then again this would only happen, if I feel the war was worth my time to join.
Anyway there is my first blog in a very long time.
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