Well now that the season is over, I can now say that what we got this year wasn't enough!!! First off 18 episodes was not enough and some parts of the story were not enough! S5 wasn't my favourite season but I did enjoy it! Although there were parts I could have done without, but hey that's what makes the story interesting.
The whole Nanny Carrie situation was a little too much for me to handle. She was just to forward with everything. I have been a babysitter for many years and still am and i would never ever come on to a father like she did. If Nathan was a father i was sitting for (as much I as LOVE LOVE James) I could never hit on the father of the kids I'm watching. And when I go babysit, I am always careful as to what I wear, I'm not going to a club or a office job... I wear appropriate clothing to run around with the kids, not shirts cut down to my belly button and not skimpy bikinis. Anyways enough of Carrie, she got too much attention already...especially from Nathan which I was disgusted with, yes he's a man but he is married and he could have done a better job at turning Carrie away, like I don't know telling his wife or possibly firing the b****!!! Just a thought!!!
Next Lucas and his women!!! I absolutely loved the interaction and relationship that has developed between him and Brooke, very mature and enjoyable to watch. I'm not a Brucas supporter when it comes to a love connection but when it comes to a friendship, I support 100%. Lindsay, I thought was a great character and I enjoyed her interaction with Haley, but I did NOT like her with Lucas. Honestly I think he was not sincere with his feelings. It's way too obvious that he's still totally in love with Peyton, that for him to just string Lindsay along was just mean, just like when he did that to Brooke in earlier seasons. I don't think Lindsay deserved that. At the beginning of the season I really did not like Lindsay, then as the season went on I realized that i did like Lindsay, I just didn't like her relationship with Lucas. Anyways on to Peyton...Poor Peyton!!! I truly felt bad for her. Lucas was a complete jerk to her many times this season and Peyton didn't do too much to deserve it or there were some times but not always. When Peyton basically said "not yet" to Lucas proposal, I thought that Lucas' reaction was a slap in the face to Peyton and their relationship. When someone says they are not ready at that specific time especially so young at 20, it doesn't mean that your relationship is over. It just means they are not ready. If he truly wanted to marry her then he would have reacted with a little more understanding. Not everyone is ready to get married so young like Nathan and Haley. But we will see what happens with this never-ending love triangle next season.
Now onto my favourite Naley with the addition of the cutest kid in TV, Jamie!!!! I have been a Naley lover since the very beginning and am so happy that they ended the season on a good note, considering how they started the season. Their storyline for me was a little rocky as there were times when I thought that the story did need issues, but they can only handle so many. I feel like Nathan was ALWAYS the bad guy in S5. The first 4 seasons we saw Nathan grow up so much and become a really good man and sure he still had a few bumps in the road, but he dealt with them and grew up. So I thought all the things he went through this year was just a little much. First the bar fit that left him in the wheelchair and ripped him from his dream of basketball, then Haley hating on him for everything he did-like punching Jason, then the whole Carrie flirting and keeping it from Haley, and basically just acting like Dan, which I thought was so far from the man he grew to be. I thought towards the end of the season Naley really started to grow together, but I thought they could have been a little more understanding of each other the whole season. Haley did have a lot to deal with when Nathan was going through his whole Deb/Dan stage (drunk/jerk) especially protecting their son Jamie and trying to prevent him from seeing his father like that. But anyways they are working things out and are on a better road now.
Jamie was probably the best part of the season for me. Jackson is just an adorable kid who can really act. He is the 6th member to the group and is probably more grown up than the rest of them. Watching any scene Jamie is in, whether it be with Haley, Nathan, Skillz, Lucas, Brooke, was just amazing. The interaction between Haley, Nathan, and Jamie was just perfect; they seemed like a family who really just get each other. I can't wait to see more of that next season.
Brooke had some of the best storylines this year, with her B**** of a mother, Clothes over Bros clothing line, friendly relationships, and then the adorable baby Angie.
Peyton on the other hand only really had 2 stories: the music label and Lucas and for that I was disappointed. I wish we could of had a little more between all the girls. I thought she was actually acting very mature for the way Lucas was kinda throwing Lindsay in her face, although like I said earlier she did sink very low a couple of times like yelling at Lindsay, but I thought she picked herself up beautifully later on and grew from the situation. I hope next season we see a little bit more interesting storylines for Peyton.
So with my basic thoughts of the season over, I thought I would share some of my favourite and least favourite moments.
Least Favourite Moments:
-Lucas yelling at Peyton saying it's all her fault and that he hates her!
-Nathan watching Carrie skinny dip.
-Nathan not telling Haley about Carrie and her flirting, when he had the chance.
-Carrie kidnapping Jamie.
-Carriem "helping" Nathan put on his pants!!!
Favourite Moments:
-Haley's 'enough is enough' speech to Nathan about his drinking and self pitty.
-Haley, Nathan, and Jamie jumping into the pool.
-Haley singing "Feel This"
-Brooke standing up to her mom!
-Brooke with baby Angie, once she figured she could do it.
-Nathan rolling himself into the pool and then jumping out, saying he has too much to live for!
-Nathan and Jamie having dinner ready for Haley!
-Jamie's reaction when the head fell off the dummy at the soap box derby track! :shock: too cute!!!
I could go on and on...but I guess you can tell from the fact that I have more favs than not, I enjoyed the season...But really there were things that were missing and some that I didn't want to see at all. So I'll take this season as building ground for next seaon! Until next time!!!