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Anyone who had a Christmas (nightmare) dream come true?

My Christmas is going to suk.


You know my mom (You do, that's kinda creepy......) She's very cheap!!!!!

I want an iPod Touch for my Christmas gift. That is all I want for Christmas! I know I sound like I'm complaining but I speak this from the facts.

2 years ago, we donated to the poor for Christmas.......(how can we donate to the poor if we are the poor!!!!!) Then, my mom said that at least we're going to spend Christmas together. Come Christmas night and she's at a Christmas party (without us!) That was worse when she ditched my birthday for a stupid Norwegian CRUISE!!!!!

Last year, Oh......that tragic, tragic year.......

All I remember was.....socks, clothes, and underwear (I was good that year.)....... (At least, I got colonge but look what that cologne gave me.......girls......and problems.)

This year, I plan to worship my mom for a decent gift. (I shouldn't even have to do that for a gift.) I am going to be the "GOLDEN SON" so there's no way she cannot say: You're slipping up, boy.

Also, I gave Sam (my baby cousin) boots for Christmas. (To be honest, I could have gave him a piece of bread and he'll still be happy, lol.)

All I want is an iPod Touch. My bro doesn't want me to have one so he keeps bringing up my present and tells her how much it costs. (300 bucks -8 gbs.) I'm tired of not being on Wi-Fi, I need internet capabilty and music.

Sometimes, I think that deep down, I totally screwed...... I kinda wish I told Tiffany how I felt about her but no-one wants to known as the A-hole who ruins Christmas. (Got advice for me about Tiffany? Go see and reply atprevious blog.)

But enough about me,what kind of Christmas dream or nightmare came true for you.