Dear viewers, sorry I haven't been blogging for a little while but, I've had school to watch out for. Last time,I said that I was working on a special review, and I certainly am. Now its going to be a review but I'm going to try and make it a fair bit more entertaining, here are two thinks I'll tell you:
-It's the worst game I have on any console
-It will be told similar to how the AVGN reviews his terrible games
Meanwhile here's a quick feature to keep you interested,
-Movies that need new entries:-
In the recent year of Hollywood all that seems to come out are@$$ horror movies, by the book comedies, and completely uninspired remakes;there's some good movies, but for the most part, it's just a bucket of fish heads. So why not reinvigorate some of the good franchises that were really fun to watch and deserve, not a shameless remake but a new entry in the series (prequel, sequel, follow-up) here is a list of movies that should return one last time and reallyshine for us and fans:
# 5 - Happy Gilmore
When I saw Adam Sandler trying to knock Bob Barker to his grave, Richard Keil getting a nail in his head, and a ex-hockey player having one hell of an anger streak while playing golf, the word, "MEMORABLE" was all I could think of. Asimple plot, funny jokes and something that's funny for all ages. Please do another; I'd really like to see Sandler VS Barker - Round 2.
# 4 - Ghostbusters
Ah ghostbusters, Aykroyd, Murray, Weaver and more memorable faces, please come back to the big screen. Maybe your sequel was OK, but there is fantastic humor when the Ghostbusters Squad is together, and I was hoping for something that satisfied myself a bit more, and come on, if you can make a marshmallow man a super villain, it would be very interesting to see what other ideas you have.
# 3 - Duel
This is not a karate or martial arts movie, this is Spielberg's first movie, the terrific movie of Duel where a driver is attempted to be killed by a trucker. Never has highway traffic been so exciting, dangerous, and aggressive, this movie deserves a sequel, and the plotline would be so easy. I miss the car chase of the 70's 80's, and 90's lets see a pro show us how to make some exhilaration out of road rage again.
# 2 - Evil Dead
While a Evil Dead remake is being worked on, I would really like to see Bruce Campbell (ahem, sequel dammit!) break out the old chainsaw and boomstick for one last standoff against evil, Campbell is such a perfect character for Ash, you don't really need special effects cause our hero has always been a daring,semi cookoo that can get himself even out of the worst circumstances.
# 1 - Cloverfield
Never have I seen such a fun movie, a perspective that just keeps up with the action and is right in there as a buildings portions soar apart narrowly missing us or frantically running as a gigantic creature tries to slurp you up this movie was awesome. It's just like playing a FPS game but now, the camera movement is super frantic, raw, ungraceful - just like how you would run around watching the event. It is awesome, just too bad it ran so short, please make a sequel.
PS: I know that the list is short but I also wanted to put on The Thing, Forrest Gump, andNight Of The Living Dead on but IMDB says there are movies coming out for them.