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"They won't stop playing video games.
And I want things to be different."
-Brandon Boyd(Incubus)
So today's Friday the 27th. I took off of work today to go skiing. And now here i am blogging from a McDonald's in the Pocono's on I-80. I haven't really been able to get up here very much in the past few years so im super excited. I'll be up here at Big Boulder for the rest of the night skiing under the lights. Best time to ski, i'd say. Apparently BIG Boulder has one of the Top 5 terrain parks on the east coast. I'll just have to see for myself and hopefully not break any bones. Well, its time for me to go concur the mountain. Next time you see me I'll be on the cover of SkiUSA. Talk to you guys/gals soon. PeacE
--> ToDD
Hey whats up guy and gals? My names Todd and im fairly new to the GameSpot community. I'll start out with a little about myself. I am a drummer, and have been playing for the past 15 years. I have a 6-piece Gretsch Catalina Marple Series kit. Its absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I also play ice hockey for the DELCO Phantoms. And, i am a gamer, using the xBox console..
Well lets get back to the topic of interest. I have a few games that i constantly keep spinning in my xBox an they would be, Call of Duty 4, Call or Duty WaW, Skate, Skate 2, and last but not least GRAND THEFT AUTO IV/
Well lets single out one of these masterpieces...
Grand Theft Auto IV - Why does it keep freezing!?! Mostly during the loading process but also right in the middle of gameplay! I have to get up, restart my xBox from he console itself (an i guarantee that cant be good for the system. Prolly as bad as turning a PC of from the tower without going threw the proper shutdown procedures) Its now the game itself because I exchanged it for a brand new copy. And its not my xBox because GTA is the only game that it happens to. AAHHGG! Its sooo aggrivating!
OK, well, I would like to thank you guys/gals for letting me vent a little. Its time for me to go Skate the city of New San Vanelona. PeacE. (oYo)
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