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Personal boycott on Dark Sector.

Just as the title says, I refuse to play it, because the developers effectively sold out to create a Gears of War clone instead of going with their original direction. The version they had originally iterated in 2005 was in all honesty much more original and truer to the spirt of games instead of this cheap clone. Normally I wouldn't care to much however I was looking forward to the original Dark Sector with much enthusiasm, but when I saw the new version, my heart sank and I was ultimately dissapointed, buy how they had effectively trashed most of their stuff in order to gaurrantee themselves a hit game by copying another, throwing in a cheap gimmick, the glaive, and then using it as an excuse for gallons of blood and gore. Effectively this game rides on the gore premise created by the glaive like The Darkness used the spiritual powers. It's very cheap and not that imaginative anymore. I like shooters just like anyone else, but no game should run solely on violent premises and should have some level of intelligence in it's design. Copying another game that was intelligent in it's own originality doesn't make you smart, it only makes you a copy cat and even GeoW borrows heavily from two major games: Resident Evil 4 and .Killswitch.

Oh and thanks Gamespot for deleting this post originally just because of some "offensive to some viewers" content. And to whoever reported me, thank you for being so low as to report me for a "good mark". Ulitmately it's the rewarding of police like behavior that prevents this site from moving forward to higher thinking. If THAT is offensive to anyone, be it moderator, or site member maybe you should get over it. The internet obviously doesn't carry with it national laws like freedom of speech from any country, however the internet should be the most open place in the world. Even a site as hard-headed as Gamespot when it comes to members speaking their mind. So please moderators, don't be so low as to settle to a mal-intended member who is complaining invalidly over some "offensive content" that's probably just against their thinking or thoughts. That isn't right, on monitor or paper.