I'm not sure about RS:V, but in the long term developers would have to deal with more than just downgrading the graphics. I imagine the Wii would choke on newer physics engines (what version is HAVOK up to now?) and AIs.ThePlothole
Well I think people don't give the Wii what it's worth in terms of capabilities. They are not extremely high like the PS3 and the 360 but in comparison I do think the Wii is considerably more powerful than the Gamecube, PS2, and even the Xbox.
The Xbox while having a somewhat weak CPU, a Pentium III 733 MHz, could pull off some nice physics, and even the PS2 could do some surprisingly nice ragdoll physics, for example in Area 51 and PSI-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy. What the PS2 really lacked in comparison to Microsoft's beast was graphics horsepower and RAM, which was to set the Xbox apart. The Gamecube though while still being weaker has much more comparible real world benchies against the Xbox as opposed to the PS2. Now where will all my gibber jabber take this? Let me explain.The Wii is believed and partially proven to have hardware extended from the Gamecube. But the G3 (if the Wii really has a G3 PPC CPU) architecture is more efficient per clock than Pentium 3 CPU architecture like seen in the Xbox. From what I've read it seems to be a fair estimate that the Wii's CPU is in the realm of being comparable to the Xbox's P3 clocked at 1.2 GHz. In comparison to the Xbox's specs that's a nice deal extra processing power. And for all I know, the CPU in the Wii could be even more powerful. Like I said previously, the PS2 and Xbox with relatively weak in comparison to PC CPUs, could pull of some nice physics. Havok may be up to version 4.0 about now, but 2.0 would be sufficient for Wii games, as there are much less points of articulation and detail to consider. Game engine wise, the Wii does run Unreal 2.5 in the form of Red Steel which graphically and game engine wise (considering physics and all) wasn't a bad looking nor bad running game (only the controls really sucked). I'm pretty sure a scaled back Unreal 3 is on the way (but not really necessary unless it has the benefit of greater efficiency for the same processes as UR2.5).
When it comes to the graphics side of things, the Wii can probably dish out much more than what we've had the privelage of witnessing. Rumors state that the Hollywood GPU in the Wii is essentially a "doubled-up" extension of the Flipper GPU from the Gamecube. Double the pixel units, texture units, TEV, rasterization capabilities and add a 50% higher clock speed (162 to 239 MHz) and we can pretty much theorize a tripling of capabilities in the Wii in comparison to the Gamecube. 8 pixel pipelines, 8 texture units, and 2 TEVs. Basically the Wii I think will be comparable to the performance of an Nvidia GeForce 6200, which is enough horsepower to run a more than decent version of Half Life 2, Call of Duty 2 on PC (in DX7 mode), or Battlefield 2 PC. Of course these are granted that the Wii can handle similar shaders as the Direct X 7/8/9 ones used in the mentioned games and has the vertex/polygon rendering power as well. Now how does the supposed Wii GPU stack up in comparison to the Xbox's GPU? Let us compare, and take note that this is raw theoreticals here, not taking shader programming capabilities into account nor the render API being used which would affect real world performance.
Xbox GPU Gamecube GPUWii GPU
233 MHz clock speed 162 MHz clock speed 239 MHz clock speed
4 pixel pipelines 4 pixel pipelines 8 pixel pipelines
8 texture units (2 per pixel pipe) 4 texture units (1 per pixel pipe) 8 texture units (1 per pixel pipe)
4 PP x 233 MHz = 932 MPixels/Sec 4 PP x 162 = 648 MPixels/Sec 8 x 239 MHz = 1912 MPixels/Sec
8 TU x 233 MHz = 1864 MTexels/Sec 4 TU x 162 = 648 MTexels/Sec 8 x 239 MHz = 1912 MTexels/sec
So basically and theoretically the Wii should possess twice the pixel processing capabilities of the Xbox, which should considerable give the Wii a real edge in pixel processes like bump maps, normal maps and other shader effects. Despite that the Wii possess barely higher texture processing but it matches well with it's ability to process pixels. We should see much more shadowing, bumpmapping, normal mapping and other various shader and texture effects as compared to the Gamecube where such effects were rarely implemented in the same regard as the PS2 which did possess such capabilities as well despite not being as good or prominently known.
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