Tactis' forum posts
the only thing that will make a dent for hd-dvd in the format war is whether Toshiba can deliver on their $200 hd-dvd stand alone player that could sell alot of hardware for hd-dvd and tip the balance in thier favor combined with paramount.
The 360 has always barely sold in Japan just like the XBOX wasn't a big seller in Japan. Actually the 360 is not selling in most regions like it was a short time ago.jimm895
but at least its an improvement i dont believe any xbox games sold 200,000 copies like blue dragon did for the 360 and hopefully lost odyssey will sell even more(it was ranked 7 on most wanted for famistia(sp)) the xbox is still doing horrible just not as bad as last gen.
the PS3 price drop even if Temporary showed the demand for the PS3 unit, even after Xbox 360 droped it's price it has moderatley improved sales, just imagine when the PS3 is at $299 it'll overshadow every other console. So if this was a Boxing match Xbox 360 and wii would win the first few rounds, but at the end of the match it'll be a unanimous decision.peacebringer
i dont see how the current ps3 is ever going to drop to $300 anytime soon i mean they have stopped making the 60gig versions so the 80 gig version has to go from $600 to $300 thats a 50% price reduction maybe not for another 2-3 years besides the price advantage is kinda negated since every time ps3 drops 360/wii will drop...
Halo 3 really doesn't have any real competition especially in shooters i am sorry but when a game gets one million PREORDERS in the U.S alone the game is in its own league
MGS4: 9.5
LBP: 9.5-10
KZ2: 9.0
If FF XIII comes at the end of 08: 9.0-9.5
lol i can pull numbers too(you dint even list proven AAA franchises(killzone 2)in case you want tocriticize my list)
fable 2 9.0
too human-9.0
Gears of war 2-9.5
Ninja Gaidian 2-9.5
i have a personal tier system
first tier(good reviews i listen to them the most)ign, gamespot, gametrailers, and 1up
2nd tier(still good reviews less professional andmore biased that first tier)teamxbox official xbox magazine, PSW, PSM, nintendo magazine, eurogamer, EGM
3rd tier(don't pay too much attention too) play and anything thats very obscure
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