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Around the world in 180 hours

Greetings and Salutations!

Sorry it's been so long since my last blog, but I've been busy saving the world. The Oblivion world that is. :D

Never before has a game so enthralled me like this. Final Fantasy VII came close, but that was mainly due to me being a completionist, and going after every single Materia in the game. Diablo II consumed massive amounts of time, but over multiple characters and games.

Last Friday I finally finished almost everything I wanted to do in Oblivion. Key Point: I had saved the Knights of the Nine materiel for last. I had finished the main quest, all four faction guild lines, bought houses everywhere, and completed many, many side quests. As soon as the final Knights quest was finished, I looked at my time when I saved.

180 HOURS.

I have never, ever spent that much time on one game in my entire life..and I've beaten every Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, and Star Ocean. This game Deserves the Game of the Year award it received.

Did I mention there were many side quests left to do, plus almost all of the Shivering Isles content?

Well, I just started a new save the other day, so I gotta go.

Peace, Love, and Bullfrogs!