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Good Time All-around IV

Greetings! :D

I actually managed to get my copy of GTA last night after work, and it's pretty frickin cool.

First the bad news: I'm not sure whether the song lists are made just for GTA, or just from a bunch of artists I don't recognise, but either blows. The ability to not be able to import your own mp3's make it that much worse. I've gotten to where I either turn the radio off soon as I get in a car, or turn it on the talk-radio channels.

Now for the not-so-good: No discernable ability to improve your stats in any way. Even Niko's running is slow. My weiner dog, Scooter, could outrun him.

Now the good: Just about everything else! The graphics are really good. The G.P.S. is a God-send! The Cell-phone is the coolest innovation yet. Dying in a hail of bullets from thew cops is actually cool now, thanks to the black-and-white effect. Civillians are a Lot tougher now, though.

All around, I would give this game an 8.9 - 9.4.

Peace, Love, and Bullfrogs!