Taking a different Road
by TaengtheHero on Comments
Hello! :D I'm sorry it's been so long, and I've got some things to explain, but I've been really busy lately. first off, i'm going to skip posting the second series of my story here, and just put it up on fanfiction.net and simply add chapters as i get around to it. don't worry, if i ever make it to start book 3 of it, i'll post a notice in here. second, i'm sorry i haven't got back with you on your banner, Sammi. i feel so ashamed. I'll try to get that done for you tonight or tommorow. hopefully, you'll like it. third, almost all my time off work for the past three weeks has been spent on theforce.net, reading fanfiction, writing some of my own (i've already put up about five of them, one last night), and generally socializing. that isn't to say i'm gonna abandon GS, because i've made some really good friends here (sammi, shennie, DP, Hero, Sol, and the list goes on and on and on)who i really need to staart back im'ing with. i'm just letting ya know what's up. :D