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The Hallowed Fantasy

Hello! :D I don't like pre-orders. never have, and I doubt I ever will. It'd be different if it actually took some off the price, but I understand why they do it. The only thing that makes it worth it at all is the swag companies include for preorders. I'm still mad that I was unable to get the Suikoden V artbook because the local Gamestop had filled up it's preslot orders the Day The Game Came In. But of course, they had some for the shelves, which I got one. and i noticed they had extra copies of the art book for some reason. did i get one, kriff, no! but anyway, i digress. But things will be different this time. I Will go up to Gamestop as soon as possible. I Will lay my $10 down. I Will look the clerk in the eye and say, "If I do not receive the Final Fantasy XII Collecters Edition on Halloween? I'm going to use your spine for a back-scratcher." that should work.