Most people who get brawl go online because playing against computer controlled characters isn't really that fun. Sometimes, i play in matches, (with a dodgy internet connection) and sometimes i'll just spectate.
When i do spectate i always put 100 coins on whoever i like best from the group, but why do the characters i pick always jump into a little hole and taunt all the time!? Seriously, what is that? the "be a coward and not have fun" tactic?
At first i just thought that these people don't really care about winning, as long as they don't lose, but then i noticed that if someone plays like that then how are they meant to be having fun?
If you're reading this and you always run from players online, then please stop, you're supposed to get stuck in, not cower behind a wall that doesn't give you any protection!
If you're going to go online then you probably have you own tactics on how to win, but just to let you know, running away is one of those tactics where you never win...