Sadly, that dude on my tracked list, dms2208? Or some other numbers, has been banned.
Let's all have a big awwwwwwww for him!
Anywhom, on the subject of extracts, it isn't going to happen this post.
Since the office isn't working properly it won't let me copy and paste, a shame really. So you'll have to wait (If you were looking forward to it).
Anyway, I just finished a four hours game of Command And Conquer 3 with my friend, Chris. It could have gone on for hours more but then Chris's live got disconnected, It said You are Victorious' so I won :D
Go on holiday to Spain on tuesday to see my Aunt and Uncle, can't wait. No, this doesn't mean I'll stop posting. They have internet out there so :D.
I gotta go pack.