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C&C3, The Club and Oblivion Reborn?

Got Command and Conquer 3 and The Club yesterday. I really only bought C&C just to see what an RTS would be like on the 360.

It's a lot less fiddly than I'd imagined. Not as easy as a keyboard and mouse but the button combos and d-pad menus make it very simple to train units and build structures as quick as anything.

The Club is awesome. Old school meets next gen and I love it! Combos, scores and kills. There isn't much to dislike. My favourite character is Seager and I love the Siege mode.

Onto Oblivion. After three long hours I finally downloaded Shivering Isles and Knights Of The Nine for Oblivion. Wow is there a lot. I thought, like most expansion packs, they're rip me off out of 15 quid for a shoddy 2 hours of extra gameplay. Far from it. There's gotta be at least 10 more hours in Shivering Isles and maybe 4 is KOTN?

So, that was my weekend in a pinch.


