Hacked off today. Been reading some very unfair reviews of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic-Elements. One os them I read said 'It's no Oblivion'. That is because it's a completely different game that bears no resemblance to Oblivion! On that basis, we can compare the like of Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4 and even Super Smash Bros!
Oblivion was an awesome game, and so are all that were mentioned above, however, it's unfair to compare every game with a sword and/or level system to Oblivion which is merely setting it up to fail!
Secondly, the review on Gamespot says that 'it has no roleplaying depth at all'. That is because it isn't a roleplaying game! And as for 'dull, mindless and repetitive combat', your precious Oblivion was merely a moronic button masher at time. Honestly, I'm not saying Dark Messiah is better than Oblivion, it isn't, but the combat system is waaaaaay superior.
It seems to me that most of the reviewers played Dark Messiah for an hour, maybe less. Sure, the graphics aren't super HD photo realistic down to the last freckle and pimple, but they are decent, and anyone that marks a game down for that is very sad indeed..
In conclusion, Dark Messiah is a good game, maybe not the best, but a good one. Any comparisons to Oblivion are completely non-existent.
Very Angry Person signing off.