I finished Dark Messiah as a warrior. The eneding was quite lackluster. I killed Leanna, Xana never got naked and I never ruled the earth. All in all it was a disapointing ending to a great game. I'm just about halfway through as an assassin and a bit further as a mage. The mage is so cool, there's the fireball spell which I love, and then there's freeze which is so funy when you cast it on the ground and watch them slide off a cliff.
In other news I'm ashamed to say that I was a little wrong about Kane&Lynch. It's not all that awful, it's actually quite fun now, I really like the multiplayer, except for the fact that it seems like only black people and black people wannabes play it. I'm currently on the Havana part, there's not much strategy to it but who cares? But I still it was wrong how Jeff was fired because of this game.