Yeah, I've had a brilliant Saturday, best one, since, ever. I went down to Patriot Games with my firend. Patriot Games is basically a roleplaying hub. It has stacks of trading cards ranging from Magic:The Gathering, Pokemon to WoW. As if that isn't enough, they also have every Dungeons & Dragons set and figurine known to man. Then there's LAN gaming with such games as Battlefield 2142, Soulstorm and Unreal Anthology. So, we went there and since my friend Adam is on good terms with the owner(s), we got to spend about 2-3 hours on the PCs, for FREE. We just played Unreal Tournament 2004 for most of that. As if that wasn't enough, we took part in the Dungeons And Dragons Worldwide Experience Day. So we were like the first people to play 4th Edition, like, ever. And we were playing D&D for 3 hours! The Game Master won, our team of 5 got owned by some Animated Statues and Skeletons, but it was fun, nonetheless.
Anyway, I've had an awesome Saturday, how about the rest of you?