Talgrath's comments

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Edited By Talgrath

The main complaint I had about E3 this year had nothing to do with the format, but then again, I wasn't there. The main complaint was that we got almost no news from E3; reading about E3 this year basically dropped no big surprises or news about the games coming out. That's really unfortunate, hopefully E3 shapes up next year.

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Edited By Talgrath

"Honestly windows if your a code jukie like me know that its coded like crap its inefficent and the reason that the majority of people that use windows just use it because they are afraid of change they were born on windows and anything else just doesnt work in their mind set." Or, they want to be able to play any game for computers out there and/or need Windows for their work that only runs on Windows. Sure, you can now install XP on some Macs; but why bother to buy a Mac in order to run Windows when (for less, and with better gaming hardware) you can get a PC? Now, don't get me wrong, Macs are GREAT for certain things as they have superior software, such as video and auditing software; they just don't run everything I want and I can't squeeze the most out of them like I can with my PC. Much of the same goes for Linux, great for some stuff, but it doesn't do everything I want. As for spyware/malware/viruses/etc.; I hate to tell all of you this, but you'd get them on Macs and Linux machines too if it weren't for the fact that nobody writes that stuff for other platforms because they aren't nearly as widely used on home PCs as Windows. It's much like Firefox, when it first came out, people said it was much more secure than other browsers, but to be honest that's because nobody knew about it; now there are just as much as nasty software out there for Firefox as for other browsers.