Hello, I'm going to keep this brief and to the point. When the game is released I will be buying a 32 man server (biggest they offer) with a 35 man ventrilo server. I will be creating a clan called . I'm debating weather I want to create an 8-12 man clan having 2 - 3 squads with the perfect makeup. A couple snipers, engineers, assault, and medics, or having a bigger clan. I will figure that out as people start to join. I cannot stress this enough. This clan or at least the people in the "main" squad will need to be elite. Now when I say elite, I do mean the best of the best. I will be putting my most elite squads into a league were we will be able to earn money, computer equipment, etc. What I want from you. Age - Please be mature. Sometimes a 15 year old is more mature then a 20 year old. I don't care if you're young, (unless you have a very high annoying voice then please stay away, I don't mean to be mean but that usually annoys people). Games played - Please list what games you've played. Don't worry I have a method to my madness. There is a reason I want you to list some games you have played. I repeat SOME GAMES. Don't give me a wall of text. Listening - Are you capable of listening to AND completing objectives assigned to you. If you are told to go do something, I need it to be done, especially if you wish to compete in the league with us. Microphone - I do ask you to please have a microphone. It is crucial that we have great communication as a team. If you have to stop and type every time you wish to communicate with us, it's going to be a problem. Xfire - I do ask you to leave your xfire please, and if you don't have it go to WWW.xfire.com. This is how I'm going to communicate with you to see if you're good enough to get in. Thank you for reading my wall of text, I guess it wasn't as brief as I wanted it to be but I needed to get my message across to get this clan up and running. I will be discussing with the clan when it is up and running if we want to have ranks and any other information people would like to bring up. And again, please leave your xfire so I can get back to you. I have just bought my 32 man server (biggest the game has) as well as a 35 man ventrilo server. If you have any questions, please leave them here or leave your xfire if you would like to ask about joining.
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