I wouldn't bump the 360 version down either and I own the PS3 version. I can see a review difference between the consoles and the PC edition for the additional tool set but the hardware requirements for the PC version should even the review out with the consoles. Huge PC hardware requirements should lower a game's review score.
$169 for a PSP 3000. $299 for the PS3. $169 for a DSi. $199 for a Wii. I would urge anyone who doesn't have any of the above systems to do yourself a favor and consider these first before picking up a PSP Go. What the heck is Sony thinking?
I can't believe this is even a debate. Anything a person or group of people creates using their artistic talent whether it be voice, illustration, 3-D or writing is art. How would a video game be any less art-related than film or theatre? I use to have a similar argument with my art teacher back in the 80s as to whether computer art was a legitimate art form. She was very much against it.
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