Signature Image Rebellion
by Talvix on Comments
With the new forum upgrade came the ability to use images in signatures. This is a seemingly welcome option but some people are already beginning to abuse it! There is an option in preferences to not display signatures at all -- but this also includes text-based signatures and I want to see them. What I hope (I wan't to use the word 'demand' but it's a bit strong) the staff will do is come up with some sort of compromise: those who want can have images in signatures -- those who don't want it, will have the option to disable them. In the mean time, I report every single signature image that does not conform to these rules: - Signatures may not exceed 550 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall - Signature size should be no more than 50KB [Note: This has been upped from 20KB!] (from the official Signature Rules and Information thread) I urge everyone to do the same! It's quite easy to check which images are offending. Just right-click on the picture and choose "Properties". This will display both the filesize and the image dimensions. And it works in both Firefox and IE. EdKlumpp reports that sometimes the filesize is not displayed (it says "Unknown"). I've noticed that in these cases refreshing the page or the image can get it to display properly. You can also save the image to your computer and then check the filesize but be sure that you have an updated antivirus software. <EDIT>Please report only valid violations of the guidelines! Reporting "innocent" posts/users may even result in the moderators suspending/banning the reporter! PM a moderator directly -- do not use the post moderation system because it is not designed to handle signature reports. Also, don't PM just a single report but compile a list. This way it's easier for the moderators. (Although I would've thought they'd at least put up some easy-to-use tools *grumble*...) Thanks to agent_0042 and grailwolf for that bit of information.</EDIT> I will continue to report the offending images until the staff realizes that 1) enabling images in signatures is a bad, BAD idea in the first place 2) verbal guidelines will not be followed -- there has to be technical measures 3) and -- my ultimate goal-- they need to implement a "do not show images in signatures" option. Now, who's with me? ;)