No! Or i will wait until model 6 is out and then i might pick it up
TameFan's forum posts
I love sp, it gives me the most satisfaction. i Hate when companys trow out a bad sp and focus all on mp.
Only the biggest games have lots of players online. The rest is almost dead.
I was very happy with the 360 until a few years back when i saw almost every game coming to the pc
Halo,gears,forza and fable are nice but not that nice, iam from Europe so we have played millions of nice shooters,rpgs and racers on the pc for a long time
accessories being waaaaaaay overpriced, i got a play and charge kit for 30 euros, what is wrong with like a usb cable like the ps3.
Bad hardware, mine lasted like 2 years so that was suprising long. My nes from 86 is working better even the sega/mega cd from like 95 is working better
I dont like paying for online, well i dont really care for it so not to big problem for me
The console just feel cheap,l but the controllers are very nice. Dpad is bad tho
Nice selection of arcade games aswell
And yes i do have a 360 with 40+ games
*Plugs in gamepad*
Say what again?
This man speaks the truth
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