You can gget a free laptop by going to this link:
I swear(!), you can really get a free laptop! I'm on mine right now typing this!
Step One: Sign up at the link provided above.
Step Two: Do one offer. The Sports Quiz and Hot New Ringtones are the easiest because they just require your cell phone. If I were you I would do the Sports Quiz.
Step Three: Just reffer 20 friends.
Thats It! It is so cool and you get to pick from 1 out of the 4 laptops they have to offer. I got the Apple Macbook! Try it! I got mine in less then one month and I will be one of your friends to reffer! My email address is and if you just want to email me to talk then use
Please Comment when you get yours or comment after reading this! Pass this on to all your friends and post it on your blogs. :D
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