Playin' my heart string with your piano Mr. Mansell...its the music bro. its a good montage, but the music bumped up the emotional factor
Tary's forum posts
Dragon's Dogma was fantastic. I was happy to see it featured here. That game needs more love.Lol, might have been the minor keys that brought forward the waterworks.
Games that impressed me this year:
Mass Effect 3 - endings suck but what a journey, Javik one of new my favorite characters
Starhawk - best multiplayer / co-op I've played this year
Dragon's Dogma - incredible combat in a rpg
Dishonored - fresh ideas in stealth
Far Cry 3 - why oh why did I waste money on Assassin's Creed 3?
I think that's the thing with this year. About half the best titles were indies.2012 is easily one of the most under looked years in gaming.
- Mass Effect 3 (yea the ending sucked but GD did some of the events that unfolded in that game just wowed me)
- Far Cry 3 (probably one of the best SP FPS I've played since Bioshock)
- Xcom: Enemy Unknown
- Borderlands 2 (I thought it was a lot better than the first one)
- Sleeping Dogs
- The Walking Dead
- Hotline Miami
- Guild Wars 2
- Planetside 2
- Mark of the Ninja
- Fallen Enchantress
- Max Payne 3
- Dragon's Dogma (terribley underrated)
- Lego Lord of the Rings
- Legend of Grimrock
- Hitman Absolution
- Dishonored
- Binary Domain (I thought it was underrated)
- Assassin's Creed 3
- DayZ mod
It is always a little weird when you see so many major releases put together, just how many of them are about shooting people. I'm not really complaining, I play those games too, but it is worth thinking about. Something like Journey definitely demonstrates (the footage of it in this video is so beautiful) that it doesn't have to be that way.It disgust me ho so many games have to be about bloodshed (shooters etc.)...
This year wasn't that bad. Far Cry 3, Hitman Absolution, Max Payne 3, Mass Effect 3 and Kingdoms of Amalur. It might not have been as awesome as last year but it had some great games.
I agree. I think this year only suffers by comparison from coming after what will definitely be remembered as the best year of this console generation.
And not a single niche indie game was seen on this day.tagyhagPapo & Yo, Unfinished Swan, and Dear Esther aren't niche indie games?
Found this video on the game freaks blog. It seriously made me tear up. Really drives home that our favorite past time is totallly coming of age. There are a few games here that I thought sucked, but overall it's a pretty damn amazing sum-up of the year. Makes me realize how many great games really did come out this year.
Seriously, watch it.
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