Tried it at best buy. And I love it.
Tasimb's forum posts
So B/W was just the generation to let all the ugly pokemon free?
So next generation i can haz beautiful pokemon back?
is best buy the only place with shelf models?
Pretty sure Target has them.
Pretty sure it can use Youtube just fine.
"I grew up on Halo." - You're too old to have "grown up"on Halo.
"It turns into a shooting game that's part real world part make believe, i guess." It's not make believe?
"It reliesexclusivly on cartridges." Yeah it sucks that my small unscratchable cartridges can fit in my pocket easily.
"It also features a stylus..." (Sounded negative to me.) Yes. For a more precise touch screen.
I just really don't like this guy.
Stop asking for a PS3!
The PS1 is more than fine!
The only people who want a Wii2 are... average gamers.
It's clear that the Wii is underpowered compared to it's two rivals, it's still an amazing system.
But that doesnt mean the Wii couldnt stand to get a pretty hefty upgrade.
I love love love love loved FFIII.
In my opinion, play that.
It's already been said that the next shipment is next Friday.
I don't get the whole time thing. It takes two minutes to put something up on ebay, and it takes about as long to ship it as it would to go into Gamespot to trade it in. If you want to trade games in, fine that's your thing, I just don't think it takes longer to put something on ebay. Dealing with the occasional idiot I do understand though, so if you take that into account then maybe the time arguement makes a little more sense, but that's pretty rare. Most people pay for their item, you ship it, and that's that.
Ebay takes time, regardless. Gamestop is almost instant.
Ebay really doesn't take any longer than my local Gamespot. If anything it's faster (my Gamespot is notoriously slow at service). But yeah, there are some reasons to go get ripped off by Gamespot, age sounds like a good one.
Sure it's fast to set up your stuff and sell it, but (Saying this without any knowledge of using Ebay) wouldnt it take time for the item to sell, then for you to actually get the money?
This exact thread has already been created.
And it's still being posted on. :|
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