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Taxpaying_Acorn Blog

I had the most fun I've EVER had...

Oh my Gosh. Where to even start?!

Yesterday and the day before was probably one of the best times I've ever had in my life. I saw Jimmy and Tasha come into Wal-Mart while I was working, so we stopped to talk. Tasha invited me over that night... so I went over after work. Jimmy bought beer and me and him sat in his living room listening to music and drinking until we were tripping balls. I don't remember much from that night but I remember I had a lot of fun.

When I woke up, I was upside down on his living room chair. Tasha was on the couch asleep (she didn't drink, she's pregnant) and Jimmy was upside down on the couch beside Tasha. I had no idea where I was and everything was STILL spinning. I looked around and there must have been 40 empty beer bottles :|


That day after our hangover wore off, me and him went down below the dam to fish ^_^ I used Tasha's pole since I didn't have my own. So we were fishing and having a good ol' time. I casted my pole and the thing like came in half and the end of my pole went sailing out into the river. :| Jimmy was like OH NO! I think I said OH CRAP at the same time he yelled. We ended up laughing like retards though. Too much fun.

But I felt bad for breaking Tasha's pole so I went and bought her a better one ^_^  

But Jimmy and I are going trout fishing again tomorrow hopefully. I bought myself a brand new rod, a little tackle box, a set of hooks, sinkers, and a little tub of PowerBait. So I'm ready to kick some fish ass! HUZZAH! I don't care if it rains or not... I can just wear my raincoat ^_^ Cabellas FTW.

 Okay. Well that's it I guess. I'm having too much fun to be healthy but I LOVE IT! YEAH! 

My new phone

Yesterday, Monday 3/19/07, I took a drive over to CellularOne and bought myself a brand new camera phone. It's nothing special... I think it's a Motorola V557. It's pretty spiffy as far as I'm concerned. It's the first cell phone I've ever owned. It only cost me like $40 up front. The plan I got is 1100 minutes, free voice mail, caller ID, call waiting, three way, nights/weekends, national, and incoming calls for $45 a month. So I'm really happy with that.

I have to leave for work here in a couple hours. I work from 1:00 to 10:00 today. Sucky :|

But I'll probably give Jimmy a call when I go on lunch and see if I can get a hold of him. He's probably going to be really busy again soon. He had to change jobs and now he's working 40 - 60 hour weeks again, whereas he was only working around 20 - 30.

But anyway. Life is still fun. Everything is still awesome. Beth and I are getting along as great as ever. Everything is just ... should I say it.... :? perfect.

Stay safe everyone! And may good fortunes come your way as well.

Spartans and NASCAR

I went to see 300 on Monday evening. I have to say it was an entertaining movie, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I expected more. It was kind of stale. But oh well. Like I said, it was entertaining. It was good enough to watch once.

After the movie I went over to Jimmy's... ended up staying there until Wednesday night. He invited Amanda over. It was good to see her again. I hadn't talked to her since highschool. But we all just stayed up all night talking and drinking.

Amanda had bought six tickets for the Coca-Cola 600 at the Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte NC. She invited me to take the sixth place :) I happily accepted. I owe her $56 I think for the ticket, but that's fine with me.

I requested the 26th - 28th of May off. We plan to go down there early Saturday morning and leave Monday night. So yeah, I'm really excited about that.

It's so great having good friends. The kind of friends where you don't really even have to do anything to be having fun together. You can just sit there and look at each other and talk and it's more fun than doing anything else in the world. Catching up on current events, remembering the times we all had in the past. It's just so nice reestablishing connections with these people I haven't even heard from in years. Life is great.

So embarassing

Well as you all may or may not know, I'm the Department Manager at my local Wal-Mart. I stock and do orders and so forth...

Tonight it was just me there. So I was in the cooler stocking milk. You take it out of the crate and slide them onto the rack... which are at an angle and feed to the cooler doors on the otherside where people can grab their milk.

So I was just in there working away and singing to myself. Out lout. It helps me pass the time, work faster (it gets me a rhythm going with slinging milk), and it's just fun.

I was singing "All In The Family" by Korn with that Fred Durst guy co-singing. I got to the part in the end where they're all like "And I'll *** you... and I'll butt**** you... etc" ....yeeeaaahhh. I turned around to put the jugs of milk I had in my hands onto the racks... and there was a woman standing there with the door open listening to me with an :o face.

I've never been so embarassed... thankfull she didn't report me or anything :P

I'm still the same sick as I have been. It isn't real bad, just enough to piss me off.

AND. I'm going to Jimmy's tomorrow evening ^_^ I can't wait to give him his porch light. He'll be so happy... I hope he will, anyway. I wanted to get Tasha something, but I don't know what she'd want. Boo.

Okay well that's all. Bye.

Not feeling too good.

I think I'm getting sick.

I could have caught it off fifty people... but it sucks. I feel so drained. I can't hardly hear, my ears are stopped up, my throat itches and it's so dry. I'm achey all over. Oh well... stay doped up on the medicine and I should be alright.

Work is still okay. SSDD. Not a lot to say about it.

I called Tasha yesterday evening to see if they were going to be home Thursday. They are. ^_^ I told her what I got Jimmy, and I told her not to tell him. I want it to be a surprise. It's a motion-sensing solar powered porch light. He said he hated leaving his porch light on all night... because they don't have that much money... and it makes the power bill bigger. So I got him one of those. It should save him a few dollars on the power bill AND add a little bit of security to their home. So I hope he likes it.

I haven't talked to Bethany in a while. She's been really busy with work. I don't blame her though... she takes care of retards. Feeds them, bathes them, wipes their bottoms, things like that. So her job is physically demanding as well. I figure we're going to need to move in together pretty soon.

It's noon here and I need to go fix something to eat before I get ready for work. Bless you all.

Such a great day!

Oh boy oh boy where to start...

Well Jimmy, you guys remember him if you've read my past couple blogs, I went to his house last night... stayed with him and Tasha for the day. We just hung out and talked and so forth... well at 8pm Jimmy had to leave for work. So he left, and I stayed there with Tasha for a little while to help her clean up the mess and do some dishes and things before she went to bed and I headed home.

WELL. About as soon as Jimmy left, she told me she was pregnant :| Jimmy hadn't told me because he was afraid to I suppose... but she told me the whole ordeal behind it... it made me so happy ^_^

So today, I went and bought them some baby things. Not a lot... just some stuff to put in their nursery for now. I got a Whinnie The Pooh, Pooh stuffed toy, a Tigger stuffed toy, a little pair of bunny booties, a little activity center deal with rattles and mirrors and things on it... and I got them a rug for in front of their door, and a set of towels and washclothes.

Yesterday I also gave Tasha $50 for food... because they don't have a lot of money with Jimmy getting his hours cut back and all their bills. So in two days I've spent over $110 on them. but that's okay! They need the money and junk more than I do.

But I had such a great time with Jimmy today. After Tasha went to work we just hung out and knocked back beers. We messed around on his guitar for a while... singing and playing... just like the old days :) It was really a lot of fun.

I'm hoping he'll invite me back next week sometime.

And on a totally different note, I've changed my avatar/signature theme to Tyrael from Diablo II. Don't know why... I started playing that game again for some reason and I forgot how much of a badass Tyrael was with his eternal fight with Mephisto in that sealed cave where Duriel was. But yeah.

Man I've missed Jimmy. I can't believe he's going to be a daddy. Their baby is due September 16th I believe Tasha said. I'm going to be buying them a ****load of stuff between now and then. :lol: It really makes me feel good inside to actually be putting my money somewhere useful.

Interesting people you meet...

Today at work, I was on lunch... nothing out of the normal. But I met this guy that works as a GM stocker. He came in. I've seen him around before, but I've never really talked to him.

So we got to talking, and somehow the conversation turned into military discussion. Turns out, he served in the 82nd infantry during the Gulf War in the early 90's. He had QUITE the stories to share too :| I'm going to try to share some of his stories, so excuse me for butchering them up.

He said he was the guy that manned the machine gun ontop the hummers. The .50. He constantly referred to this gun as "she" or "her". He said he spent so much time with "her" he knew "her" inside and out. But anyway... onto some of the little anicdotes he told me.

He said the worst thing he could remember about it all was the time one of his CO's got killed. They were driving in a convoy and the 1st Lt was in the front seat, passenger side, and he got shot in the head. They stopped and they all bailed and found cover and called in an apache gunship for support. While they were waiting he kept looking at his CO slumped over in the vehicle with his head leaking everywhere.

He said it wasn't so bad seeing the enemy lying everywhere dead, but it really got to you seeing one of your own.

Also, he said he had to lay in a foxhole for almost two days with a corpse on him. He and his foxhole buddy were dug in and getting heavy fire. He kept telling his buddy to stay down and not try to fight back because they were so badly outnumbered... and to just wait for support.

Well his friend didn't listen and raised up to try to fire back. He said it was like a brick of firecrackers going off... his friend got hit five times and just fell over backwards like a sack of potatoes. He had to lay underneath his body for about 18 hours before support got there and secured the area.

He told me about a time when (again) he was manning the .50 machine gun on a hummer, and they went around a turn in the road and the enemy had dug out a trench in the road to catch the front wheels of vehicles. They drove down into the trench and got stuck. As soon as they hit, he saw a guy with an RPG aimed at them, ready to fire.

He laid on the machine gun until the belt was empty... he said one of the bullets must have hit the head of the RPG because the guy exploded. He said it was just a big fireball and a red mist. After that guy blew up all the other guys ran away.

He said that .50 machine gun was the best weapon he ever used. It made such a distinct sound a lot of the enemy would run just by hearing it. All you'd see when you'd fire it is everything just blowing up. Rocks, dirt, metal, trees, buildings, body parts... whatever was in front of you would just explode through the air.

And lastly, he told me about a time when he and like four other guys were clearing a building. They were pinned down behind a corner in a hallway by three guys at the end of the hall. He rolled a grenade down there and after it blew all five of them charged around the corner with their rifles firing. He said the grenade had totally wiped them out... there wasn't anything but mangled people parts and holes in the walls.

Well... that's it :| You'd never know it by looking at this guy he was a veteran. I don't know how his mind is still in one piece after all that. It's crazy to think he went from such a life to being a Wal-Mart stocker... but yeah. Interesting fellow!

God bless you sir for serving! Praise the Lord you made it back in one piece.

What a wonderful day

Guess who I sat tonight at work?

I was out there on the floor filling up the egg case... and bam, out of nowhere I saw a friend I haven't seen in a year or more. He was with his wife. We stood there and talked for about a half an hour or something. Then we hugged and he went on his way.

I gave him my cell number... we're going to keep in touch now. He and his wife got them a house and what not... he invited me over but I had to work tomorrow :P but happy day! I have a friend again! *squeals*

Squeal like a pig, boy. WEEEEE

So I opened a checking account with BB&T. I set myself up direct deposit too. BB&T has this thing... that they don't charge you a maintainence fee if you have direct deposit AND my first book of checks is free. That's frickin sweet. I'll have those checks forever... because I'm going to use my debit card more than anything.

Finally feels like my life is coming together. I'm either building myself a foundation for the future... or digging myself a cold grave of debt :P either way... its coming together.

So everything else is okay. Work is fine I guess. I love Bethany more than ever. Everyone is doing just peachy. I wish I actually had something new and interesting to add to these blogs... but nothing really happens in my life. Just normal every day junk.

Keep it safe everyone and may your guardian angels smile upon you.
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