Well as you all may or may not know, I'm the Department Manager at my local Wal-Mart. I stock and do orders and so forth...
Tonight it was just me there. So I was in the cooler stocking milk. You take it out of the crate and slide them onto the rack... which are at an angle and feed to the cooler doors on the otherside where people can grab their milk.
So I was just in there working away and singing to myself. Out lout. It helps me pass the time, work faster (it gets me a rhythm going with slinging milk), and it's just fun.
I was singing "All In The Family" by Korn with that Fred Durst guy co-singing. I got to the part in the end where they're all like "And I'll *** you... and I'll butt**** you... etc" ....yeeeaaahhh. I turned around to put the jugs of milk I had in my hands onto the racks... and there was a woman standing there with the door open listening to me with an :o face.
I've never been so embarassed... thankfull she didn't report me or anything :P
I'm still the same sick as I have been. It isn't real bad, just enough to piss me off.
AND. I'm going to Jimmy's tomorrow evening ^_^ I can't wait to give him his porch light. He'll be so happy... I hope he will, anyway. I wanted to get Tasha something, but I don't know what she'd want. Boo.
Okay well that's all. Bye.
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