I NEED PEOPLE TO COME help me with my game.
i still need: scene designers
enemy/ foe desingers
MUSIC/ SFX composer____BIG ONE
city/ towns- i got a couple but thats not enough....
So Basically this was my rough draft of waat i frst came up with.....i guess if ur intersested CHECK IT OUT.....
WHEN THEY ARE ARE BOLDED IT MEANS I COULD CHANGE THE NAME IF POSSIBLE but i juzt need to categorize them for right now...
Summarized Story
The people of Thilohltiloc one of the most advanced civilizations in world of Inczapo. Nocma, the power of faith, worry, bravery, love and hatred rules this world. But to the people of Thilohltiloc the power of Nocma is brought by the creatures named Quaza the gods. So sacrificing is their way of feeding the Quaza.
The amazing Azem was born to wield the power of the Quaza. Brought to him by his faith he contacts Ebecla. In first glance Ebecla seems to be a major threat to the city of Thilohltiloc and Azem. Azem wonders to a temple to get a dangerous Tlipoca at this point. Azem encounters Ebecla leaving her in an extreme state. Azem now is in search of an archive that is evenly balanced. A deadly warrior and ruler named Olac is the owner of this archive. Ebecla says that if he finds out what Olac is up to then truly he will see why the Quaza is being used as a defense mechanism instead of keeping the balance to Inczapo and none the less Thilohltiloc.
Finding the archive, Azem sees that's its some kind of prison and finds a prisoner that has no guilt and shouldn't be a captive so Azem releases him. For the fault of being a captive is he posses to much Tlipoca and Prince Olac is actually afraid of his power. After these two warriors fight through the prison Zinzi, Olac finds himself in a cornered state and unleashes a powerful Pacai to get rid of Azem and Clinj. But these warriors don't give up to easy, so the tables turn and they end up destroying the Pacai.
Azem is destined to find Olac and sentence his death. So Azem is left clueless of Olac's hide out so he decides to head to the city. But Clinj is left no where to go, so Azem considers to that they should both go to the city Thilohltiloc. Azem saying maybe Clinj can find a family member that he knows or start a new life there. So heading to Thilohltiloc they see a view of a fire smoke building up in Thilohltiloc. So going over in a hurry to the city they find Olac is behind this and is using a Quaza. So finally you get to Olac he tries to talk his way out of it but his faith is his doom and Azem is the one to deliver it. Clinj scares of the Quaza. Olac is defeated to leave the Market Alley practically in ruins.
Ebecla has a bigger story to tell to Azem. She runs to tell them that Olac wasn't behind the destruction of Thilohltiloc. Ebecla explains that a stronger Quaza the Emperor of all Quazas sent to take over the world of Inczapo and to that he will send a general to each city and temple. Then they will try to make the city surrender and by all means. They later catch up Nila. She over heard the story and is willing to leave the city to fight with Azem. The journey to each city and town is life threatening as any journey. On the journey they seek to find more allies and solve some problems to the cities and each individuals encounter. On the temple side of the story they seek to obtain all the Quaza power and neutralize the land by defeating the generals and his accomplices.
HERE IS WHERE I NEED HELP{i need to make it longer} and more interesting ----some help...please and if even some SENSE TO THIS GAME...lol
To get to the Quaza Emperor you need to obtain an item so the palace can be seen. The palace is located in the underground structure that can only be accessed by him or his generals. So you break in (and release hell.) When you get to him he is revealed to not be a Quaza but a super natural human with extra ordinary powers. When you defeat him he leaves the throne to Azem but he decides to not take the throne he wants the Quaza to live in their own habitat and land. Azem leaves the palace and hitches a ride to Thilohltiloc by a Nocma ship. On this ship it's the last time to stop get off and finish and obtain curtain objectives or items for the final battle and the end of your journey.