Here I am again, in the bathroom trying to use the internet so that I can catch up with my emails and news on whats going on in the world. I had to stop and say thanks to all of you that supported me on my last blog. Lately I've been finding myself going crazy waittig on my income tax return. I'm getting back a good amount but I have to be a penny pincher for now. It turns out that I'm moving mid next month to a place that is a bit further from work and my daughters day care. However, I think I landed a job thats right around the corner from my next place. I like the zone too. I'll be living in a much more nicer place (not that I was living in a dump). And this is going to give me the option so save up and set aside some money for Genesis (my daughter).
I can't wait for a few games that I thought that it would be nice for me to share it along with you guys. I'm thinking about getting Bad Company 2, but there are two more anticipated games on my list. Final Fantasy 13, and Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii. Hopefully, I'll be ok from here to April because Monster Hunter is one of those games that I just cant put down. Later on this year, the new Zelda is coming out along with Metroid: The other M. I dont know about you guys, but I think that this is Nintendo's year in the gaming idustry.
Guys, feel free to let me in on your most anticipated games so far. And thanks again for your support.