I work at a none for profit site as a Parent Coordinator and a Event Planner. For the past 2 months, I've been working in a summer camp in which is out of my job discription. My boss has been giving me endless amount of responsability that do not in any way shape or form belong in the nature of my job title. After dissapointing him (as he claims) with the task at hand, he later went on to talk about it in front of others which in my opinion shows very little leadership skills and clearly demondstraits and act of being out of character. I later recollected all of my thoughts and kept them sealed behind my lips in fear of responding in such way may get me in trouble or even fired. So now I'm trying very hard to find another job before I leave this one. And talking to the companies CEO about this topic has not been thought of twice.
To help me get this out of my head which I must admit has been pretty tuff, I started once again to play Fallout 3. I guess that this lead me to continue to try and make it to level 10 with my PSN account just for bragging rights. I've also been playing some Fat Princess. I must admit, the game is really fun, however, I lose it trying to get to join a game or find a game. I've only played the game for 2 days and I've picked up on a few glitches.
I hope you guys are having a great weekend and thanks for reading!