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Techno_Burn Blog

Guess what? I'M NOT DEAD!!!

Hello, yes, I am alive! It's been a looong time since my last blog, hasn't it? Apologies for lack of updateage and commentage, but i'll try and do more now that i've remembered this site :P

So, reasons for absence? There's only one, really, and her name is Anna. Most of my time is now spent with her. It's a funny thing when you find a girlfriend after 17 years of being single - ok, fine, babyhood and primary school don't count, but you know what I mean. Everything changes - you shower more, you pay attention to how you look, and you lose a hell of a lot of weight from walking to her house and backmost days. But, most disconcerting of them all, my PS2 and Wii got - *shudder* - dusty. I know, I know, but I don't regret it. Not for a second. I really couldn't ask for a better person to call my girlfriend. We get along great, we make each other laugh, and we have the same sort of interests. Apart from games. But i'm working on that.

Anyway, enough of that. Recently, the dust has been wiped from my consoles and i've been getting stuck in. I got Guitar Hero III on the Wii for christmas, and I absolutely love it. There are a good few songs i'd heard before getting the game, but more of them i'd never heard of, and a lot of them have been hunted out and downloaded. By far the best GH yet - the battles are awesome. One thing that kind of annoys me though, is the lack of downloadable content. Fair enough, the Wii only has 512 MB of internal memory, but it has USB ports. Surely the potential for an external HDD is there? Apart from GH, I got Metroid Prime 3: Corruption with some of the money I got, and last week I hunted out Mercenaries again, and Rogue Galaxy. I remembered hearing about Rogue Galaxy before, and having loved Level 5's Dragon Quest VIII, I snapped it up. Excellent stuff, my only real complaint is that a game where you travel the galaxy should not rely on corridors in all it's maps.

Anyway, must go now, the dinners ready and i'm hungry!

Whoa. That long?

I only just noticed how long it's been since i've posted a blog on here. How time flies, eh? :P

Hmm, Metal Slime level. I've heard horror stories about this. Supposed to take muuuuuuch longer to level up than the other levels. Is that right?

My 17th birthday was last friday. FINALLY got to see Transformers! *Happy dance* I swear, I could watch that film on a loop endlessly, it just rocked. It was worth the ticket price alone to hear Frenzy say "Oh s***" and Megatron shout "F**got!" at Sam :P Just the one game for birthday this year, cos my main pressie is driving lessons. I got Trauma Center on the Wii. Only just out here in the UK, which I was always peed off about. Anyway, it's a great game, although my one complaint is we could have had more operations. It seemed to me like it was glass in arm, tumour, tumour, tumours, then GUILT for the rest of the game. I've finished all the episodes, but I like the game enough to go for S Rank in all of them at all the difficulties.

Thats about it for now methinks. Oh yeah, one more thing on a personal note:


Eh-heh, just felt like shouting that out, but i'd probably get strange looks from the neighbors, so better not :P

The FanFic Union

I'm going to try and start up a union. It's called the FanFic Union, and it's mainly for sharing and reviewing each others fanfics (fan fictions - spin off short stories of games). There will be forums for every type of game, and ideas for any more features would be appreciated. Now... who wants to be an officer??? Leave a comment here, or PM me!

Heh, paint.

Today was my first day of sixth year! No work though. Us sixth years get a common room, and we also get to paint it. Heh, paint. Good fun, if not for the very strange people seemingly obsessed with painting penises on each other. Cheese, if you're reading this - No. Just... no. And stop touching my beard.

Sixth year starts properly next tuesday, and I can't wait. I should have a free period every day, on some days two. Mainly psyched for music though, self teaching guitar can get slow after a year or so.

Last thing, for anyone in Britain, with Sky TV, got to channel 291. It's a games channel called, I watched a Gears of War tournament last night, brilliant.

*whine* PRETZAL MAN WANT FEGGIN 360!!! ... *whimper*

I went to see a mate of mine yesterday. Haven't seen him in ages. I get in, and what is he playing? Halo 3. In HD.

Now, I hadn't seen HD before this. I want. Like, NOW. AND, I played Halo 3! Surely i'm not the only one who thinks that pulling the gun off a turret and carrying it about in 3rd person camera is THE COOLEST THING IN THE WHOLE FEGGIN WORLD?!?!?

Ahem. Calm. Calm down. So. Soon, I will get off my lazy ass and get a job. I will then get a 360, connect it to the net and get Crackdown. Frank only showed me that Keys To The City thing where you spawn loads of explosive barrels, but still. Heh...

Exams nearly done! Maths sucked, Physics... hard. Very hard. Dunno if i've passed... just Graph Comm left, on monday. Wish me luck!!!

I'm back: and i'm off

Got a break in my studying for a while! Had my English exam on friday, went a lot better than I thought it would. It's luck of the draw with English: we have a close reading paper, where we answer questions on a couple of passages. For my prelim, I got articles on George Best, the footballer (soccer to you Americans). One thing - I HATE football. So, I got bored, and I failed. This time, it was something about Google, so I actually got interested and it all went well. I think. I hope. The other paper is the critical essays: we get an hour and a half to write two essays, one about a novel and one about a poem. We choose from about four questions to answer for each. For the novel one, i got the perfect question for the book we studied in class, The Cone Gatherers. Pile o' mince. So that went well. For the poetry one, all the questions were crap, no way to mix them with the poems we'd studied. So that didn't go well. Still, I reckon I passed overall. Maybe even got the B I need for that Journalism degree...

 Got my Maths on tuesday, on which I have completely given up on due to never scoring abouve 13%. EVER. So i'm revising for Physics, which is wednesday. Then, the monday after, i've got Graph Comm. That's short for Graphic Communication, it's like technical drawing and computer modelling and stuff. After that, two weeks of study leave but no exams. HOLIDAY!!! Then, back to school for about 3 weeks of the new 6th year timetable, then summer holiday!!! 

One last thing - the language in that last blog was Nadsat. It's from A Clockwork Orange, a book and a film. Check it out, eggin brilliant.

Thats it then... uh-oh, angry people demanding that I work. Wish me luck for Physics!!!

I'm off

This is it, O my brothers. Less of the dilly dallying and more of the rough stuff, and all that cal. It's exam time for Your Humble Host, droogies, so i'm off my crypt to give the old noggin a godd workout. Already installed the elevator for me food to come to me, so pee and em won't be seeing too much of me. But not the dreaded maths, my brothers. I get a real horrorshow pain in the gulliver when it comes to the old mathy, so off with it. So i'm doing away all my time revising the old Physics, English and Graphy Commy. So not to worry, droogs, i'm not off to the old staja, and shall be back after the merry month of may. So, i'm away. Pray for me and my exams. And all that cal.

Kudos if you can name the language 8)

Pangya & GunBound

I'm guessing you all ignore the various ads on GS, but don't ignore the ones for! I tried it, they've got two free online multiplayer games to download - Pangya, an anime style golf game; and GunBound, a kind of Worms clone. They both rock! Give em a go and add me as a buddy, my name is Kurokawa on both games.

Internet by faeces, exams by faeces, and the FFXIII ending - Faeces.

Finished FFXII last night. I had planned to wait until I had finished all the hunts - INCLUDING Yiazmat - among other things, but the suspense was killing me. I was dying to see exactly what the trademark "Unexpected Awesomeness" was, but there was none.. It was... hmm, how to describe without any spoilers... well, it was exactly as expected. Felt like breaking something, so frustrated was I! Well, little brother didn't play with that toy... not too much...

And that TiSP joke... damn, Google rock. If you didn't see it, go here.

Exams soon. Highers. 3 hours study every day, usually 5 now that it's the easter holidays. I'm nearly crapping myself! My prelims were an absolute disaster, which doesn't exactly help my morale. Well, just have to wait and see...

I started playing FFVIII again. I disagree with the general opinion that it's the worst, I think IX was the worst. Still awesome though :P Problem though, I can't get past Dollet. No, I don't suck. My disc is screwed. Downloading an ISO right now.

I'd like to see a remake of VIII too. Not as much as VII mind.