Hello, yes, I am alive! It's been a looong time since my last blog, hasn't it? Apologies for lack of updateage and commentage, but i'll try and do more now that i've remembered this site :P
So, reasons for absence? There's only one, really, and her name is Anna. Most of my time is now spent with her. It's a funny thing when you find a girlfriend after 17 years of being single - ok, fine, babyhood and primary school don't count, but you know what I mean. Everything changes - you shower more, you pay attention to how you look, and you lose a hell of a lot of weight from walking to her house and backmost days. But, most disconcerting of them all, my PS2 and Wii got - *shudder* - dusty. I know, I know, but I don't regret it. Not for a second. I really couldn't ask for a better person to call my girlfriend. We get along great, we make each other laugh, and we have the same sort of interests. Apart from games. But i'm working on that.
Anyway, enough of that. Recently, the dust has been wiped from my consoles and i've been getting stuck in. I got Guitar Hero III on the Wii for christmas, and I absolutely love it. There are a good few songs i'd heard before getting the game, but more of them i'd never heard of, and a lot of them have been hunted out and downloaded. By far the best GH yet - the battles are awesome. One thing that kind of annoys me though, is the lack of downloadable content. Fair enough, the Wii only has 512 MB of internal memory, but it has USB ports. Surely the potential for an external HDD is there? Apart from GH, I got Metroid Prime 3: Corruption with some of the money I got, and last week I hunted out Mercenaries again, and Rogue Galaxy. I remembered hearing about Rogue Galaxy before, and having loved Level 5's Dragon Quest VIII, I snapped it up. Excellent stuff, my only real complaint is that a game where you travel the galaxy should not rely on corridors in all it's maps.
Anyway, must go now, the dinners ready and i'm hungry!
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