This is it, O my brothers. Less of the dilly dallying and more of the rough stuff, and all that cal. It's exam time for Your Humble Host, droogies, so i'm off my crypt to give the old noggin a godd workout. Already installed the elevator for me food to come to me, so pee and em won't be seeing too much of me. But not the dreaded maths, my brothers. I get a real horrorshow pain in the gulliver when it comes to the old mathy, so off with it. So i'm doing away all my time revising the old Physics, English and Graphy Commy. So not to worry, droogs, i'm not off to the old staja, and shall be back after the merry month of may. So, i'm away. Pray for me and my exams. And all that cal.
Kudos if you can name the language 8)